This is a significant improvement to the semantics of source connectors.
I'm expecting that it will facilitate source connector implementations and
even enrich the application uses cases that we see. I only have a few minor
suggestions at the moment.

I believe that Acked is a common abbreviation for Acknowledged and that we
could use it in this context. And this suggestion is coming from a big
proponent of complete words in variables and method names. Thus, feel free
to consider 'offsetsFlushedAndAcked' as well as 'recordSentAndAcked'. Since
this is a public interface, I'd also make the implementation specific
comment that a Collection<SourceRecord> might be more versatile than
List<SourceRecord> as argument in offsetsFlushedAndAcknowledged.

The rejected approaches section could use some of the material in the
original jira ticket, which is pretty insightful in order to understand how
we arrived to this KIP. For example, I think it'd be useful to state
briefly why the 'commit' method is not getting removed completely but it's
substituted with 'offsetsFlushedAndAcked'. Also useful I believe it would
be to include in the motivation section some info related to why and how a
source system could use these method calls to safely recycle data that have
been surely imported to Kafka. I see this type of use cases having an
increased importance as Kafka is used more and more as the source of truth
and persistence layer for an increasing number of applications.

These suggestions, although they are not strictly required in order to move
forward with this improvement, I believe can help a lot to understand the
context of this proposed changed, without having to read the complete
history in the jira ticket.

Thanks for the KIP Per!


On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 6:50 AM Per Steffensen <> wrote:

> Please help make the proposed changes in KIP-381 become reality. Please
> comment.
> KIP:
> PR:
> Thanks!

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