Hello! I'm experimenting with an implementation of AuthenticateCallbackHandler 
in an external JAR I’m loading, and I'd like to use some of the methods / 
properties from ReplicaManager (or KafkaServer which has a ReplicaManager), but 
I don't see anything that's passed to me or any singletons that will give me 
access to those objects from my class.

I figure that’s probably intentional, but I wanted to ask just incase I’m 
missing a hook I don’t know is there.
Specifically, I was looking to either get access to the logs on disk 
(ReplicaManager’s fetchMessages method) so I could read some things, or 
alternatively the ZooKeeper connection.

Since I’m in a JAR, any solution which involves changing the core Kafka 
code-base isn’t something I’m interested in.

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