Thanks for the feedback, Sophie!

I actually felt a little uneasy when I wrote that remark, because it's
not restricted at all in the API, it's just available to you if you
choose to give your stores and context the same parameters. So, I
think your use case is valid, and also perfectly permissable under the
current KIP. Sorry for sowing confusion on my own discussion thread!

I'm not crazy about the package name, either. I went with it only
because there's seemingly nothing special about the new package except
that it can't have the same name as the old one. Otherwise, the
existing "processor" and "Processor" names for the package and class
are perfectly satisfying. Rather than pile on additional semantics, it
seemed cleaner to just add a number to the package name.

This wouldn't be the first project to do something like this... Apache
Commons, for example, has added a "2" to the end of some of their
packages for exactly the same reason.

I'm open to any suggestions. For example, we could do something like
org.apache.kafka.streams.typedprocessor.Processor or
org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.typed.Processor , which would have
just about the same effect. One microscopic thought is that, if
there's another interface in the "processor" package that we wish to
do the same thing to, would _could_ pile it in to "processor2", but we
couldn't do the same if we use a package that has "typed" in the name,
unless that change is _also_ related to types in some way. But this
seems like a very minor concern.

What's your preference?

On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 3:56 PM Sophie Blee-Goldman <> wrote:
> Hey John, thanks for writing this up! I like the proposal but there's one
> point that I think may be too restrictive:
> "A processor that happens to use a typed store is actually emitting the
> same types that it is storing."
> I can imagine someone could want to leverage this new type safety without
> also limiting how they can interact with/use their store. As an (admittedly
> contrived) example, say you have an input stream of purchases of a certain
> type (entertainment, food, etc), and on seeing a new record you want to
> output how many types of purchase a shopper has made more than 5 purchases
> of in the last month. Your state store will probably be holding some more
> complicated PurchaseHistory object (keyed by user), but your output is just
> a <User, Long>
> I'm also not crazy about "processor2" as the package name ... not sure what
> a better one would be though (something with "typed"?)
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2019 at 12:47 PM John Roesler <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'd like to propose KIP-478 (
> > ).
> >
> > This proposal would add output type bounds to the Processor interface
> > in Kafka Streams, which enables static checking of a number of useful
> > properties:
> > * A processor B that consumes the output of processor A is actually
> > expecting the same types that processor A produces.
> > * A processor that happens to use a typed store is actually emitting
> > the same types that it is storing.
> > * A processor is simply forwarding the expected types in all code paths.
> > * Processors added via the Streams DSL, which are not permitted to
> > forward results at all are statically prevented from doing so by the
> > compiler
> >
> > Internally, we can use the above properties to achieve a much higher
> > level of confidence in the Streams DSL implementation's correctness.
> > Actually, while doing the POC, I found a few bugs and mistakes, which
> > become structurally impossible with KIP-478.
> >
> > Additionally, the stronger types dramatically improve the
> > self-documentation of our Streams internal implementations, which
> > makes it much easier for new contributors to ramp up with confidence.
> >
> > Thanks so much for your consideration!
> > -John
> >

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