Thank you Ismael for the suggestion. We will attempt to address it by
giving more details to rejected alternative section.

Thank you for the comment Guozhang! Answers are inline below.

On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 6:33 PM Guozhang Wang <> wrote:

> Hello Boyang,
> Thanks for the KIP, I have some comments below:
> 1. "Once transactions are complete, the call will return." This seems
> different from the existing behavior, in which we would return a retriable
> CONCURRENT_TRANSACTIONS and let the client to retry, is this intentional?

I don’t think it is intentional, and I will defer this question to Jason
when he got time to answer since from what I understood retry and on hold
seem both valid approaches.

> 2. "an overload to onPartitionsAssigned in the consumer's rebalance
> listener interface": as part of KIP-341 we've already add this information
> to the onAssignment callback. Would this be sufficient? Or more generally
> speaking, which information have to be passed around in rebalance callback
> while others can be passed around in PartitionAssignor callback? In Streams
> for example both callbacks are used but most critical information is passed
> via onAssignment.

We still need to extend ConsumerRebalanceListener because it’s the
interface we could have public access to. The #onAssignment call is defined
on PartitionAssignor level which is not easy to work with external

> 3. "We propose to use a separate record type in order to store the group
> assignment.": hmm, I thought with the third typed FindCoordinator, the same
> broker that act as the  consumer coordinator would always be selected as
> the txn coordinator, in which case it can access its local cache metadata /
> offset topic to get this information already? We just need to think about
> how to make these two modules directly exchange information without messing
> up the code hierarchy.

These two coordinators will be on the same broker only when number of
partitions for transaction state topic and consumer offset topic are the
same. This normally holds true, but I'm afraid
we couldn't make this assumption?

4. The config of "CONSUMER_GROUP_AWARE_TRANSACTION": it seems the goal of
> this config is just to avoid old-versioned broker to not be able to
> recognize newer versioned client. I think if we can do something else to
> avoid this config though, for example we can use the embedded AdminClient
> to send the APIVersion request upon starting up, and based on the returned
> value decides whether to go to the old code path or the new behavior.
> Admittedly asking a random broker about APIVersion does not guarantee the
> whole cluster's versions, but what we can do is to first 1) find the
> coordinator (and if the random broker does not even recognize the new
> discover type, fall back to old path directly), and then 2) ask the
> discovered coordinator about its supported APIVersion.

The caveat here is that we have to make sure both the group coordinator and
transaction coordinator are on the latest version during init stage. This
is potentially doable as we only need a consumer
to check that. In the meantime, a hard-coded config is still a favorable
backup in case the server has downgraded, so you will want to use a new
version client without `consumer group` transactional support.

5. This is a meta question: have you considered how this can be applied to
> Kafka Connect as well? For example, for source connectors, the assignment
> is not by "partitions", but by some other sort of "resources" based on the
> source systems, how KIP-447 would affect Kafka Connectors that implemented
> EOS as well?

No, it's not currently included in the scope. Could you point me to a
sample source connector who uses EOS? Could always piggy-back into the
TxnProducerIdentity struct with more information such as tasks. If
this is something to support in near term, an abstract type called
"Resource" could be provided and let topic partition and connect task
implement it.

> Guozhang
> On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 8:40 PM Ismael Juma <> wrote:
> > Hi Boyang,
> >
> > Thanks for the KIP. It's good that we listed a number of rejected
> > alternatives. It would be helpful to have an explanation of why they were
> > rejected.
> >
> > Ismael
> >
> > On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 8:31 PM Boyang Chen <> wrote:
> >
> > > Hey all,
> > >
> > > I would like to start a discussion for KIP-447:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > >
> > > this is a work originated by Jason Gustafson and we would like to
> proceed
> > > into discussion stage.
> > >
> > > Let me know your thoughts, thanks!
> > >
> > > Boyang
> > >
> >
> --
> -- Guozhang

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