Thanks Colin, interesting KIP.

I'm concerned that the KIP does not actually address its stated
motivations. In particular, "Simpler Deployment and Configuration" are not
really achieved, given that: 1) the proposal still requires quorums (now of
controllers, instead of ZK nodes), with the same restrictions as ZK, e.g.
at least three controllers and only an odd number of controllers, neither
of which is easy to manage; 2) the proposal still requires separate
processes with separate configuration (and indeed, no less configuration
than ZK requires, namely a port to listen on); 3) configuration of brokers
is not simplified, as they still require a list of servers to contact (now
coordinators instead of ZK nodes). Is there any improvement to
configuration and deployment I'm overlooking?

Second, single-broker clusters are mentioned as a motivation, but it is
unclear how this change would move in that direction. Seems Raft requires
three nodes, so perhaps the minimum number of hosts would be three?

Third, "discrepancies between the controller state and the zookeeper state"
are mentioned as a problem, and I understand that controllers coordinate
amongst themselves rather than via zookeeper, but I'm not sure there is a
functional difference? It seems controllers can still disagree amongst
themselves for periods of time, with the same consequences as disagreeing
with ZK.

Finally,  you say "there is no generic way for the controller to follow the
ZooKeeper event log." I'm unsure this is a problem. Having a log is
certainly powerful for consumers, but how would a controller use this log
to do anything it can't without it? It seems only the latest compacted
state is ever used, and there is nothing to undo or replay from the log.
What future capabilities are you envisioning we would gain from carrying
around log history?


On Thu, Aug 1, 2019, 4:05 PM Colin McCabe <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've written a KIP about removing ZooKeeper from Kafka.  Please take a
> look and let me know what you think:
> cheers,
> Colin

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