I added a couple things to the feature plugin.

     * If false, feature dependencies are added to the assembled feature as 
     * If true, feature dependencies xml descriptors are read and their 
contents added to the features descriptor under assembly.

     * Whether to look for changed dependencies at all

     * Whether to fail on changed dependencies

     * Whether to show changed dependencies in log

     * Whether to overwrite dependencies.xml if it has changed

I guess I'll add a startlevel parameter also that if non-null will set the 
startlevel for all the bundles in the constructed feature.

I haven't really tried these yet...

I can't run mvn site or mvn site:site, it keeps failing because it can't find 
the root apache pom in the filesystem (???)  Can anyone else build the site?  
I'd like to look at the plugin documentation and perhaps try to improve it.

david jencks

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