+1 on trunk to use Aether and so maven3.

It's already plan to only support jdk6 and maven3 on trunk.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Jencks <david_jen...@yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 10:59:07 
To: <dev@karaf.apache.org>
Reply-To: dev@karaf.apache.org
Subject: Requiring maven 3?

I think I recently argued that when installing features into a server we should 
insist all the dependencies are known to the poms involved.  Now I'd like to 
change my mind due to ease of implementation :-)

When assembling a server from kars and features using the karaf-assembly 
packaging I'd like to use Aether to find the dependencies that don't happen to 
be packed in kar files.  The code for this is really simple but requires maven 

In addition it looks like a bunch of other code changes in the plugin are 
needed, most of which are trivial or simplifications.


david jencks

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