
I will take a look later today.


----- Reply message -----
De : "Dan Tran" <dant...@gmail.com>
PourĀ : <dev@karaf.apache.org>
Objet : Looking for ops-pax-url-mvn source and maven project ( 1.2.x ) for 
Karaf 2.2.1
Date : dim., juin 26, 2011 09:31


I have a need to patch pax-url-mvn 1.2.x ( bundled with karaf 2.2.1 )
for https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KARAF-688

I have a a hard time looking for git tag of project, so I am look for
help here. ( sorry I have very small exposure to github and how to
navigate around the ops2j project )

Big thanks head


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