I got your point Glen.

But TomEE is a sub-project of OpenEJB:

So basically, KarafEE would be the same for Karaf.


On 12/14/2011 04:14 PM, Glen Mazza wrote:
Yes, ServiceMix places different features on top of Karaf, as does
Geronimo, as does everyone else that wraps Karaf. It's just a question
of whether the particular goodies you want to place on top of Karaf mean
it should be a *standalone* project or a *subproject* of Karaf, I was
arguing the former.

Pointedly, TomEE is a separate project not a subproject of Tomcat, it is
not hosted/endorsed by Tomcat, it has its own URL/website. I'm just
recommending the same thing for this "KarafEE".

I may have misunderstood Charles' email, I was under the impression he
was proposing a Karaf subproject called KarafEE (quote: "KarafEE could
be like Cellar, new WebConsole a subproject having its own assembly
release process.") Is it the case that it will be a separate project
(like TomEE) hosted elsewhere? That's never a problem, he's most welcome
to create 100 such projects if he wishes, nor is that something he needs
to ask the Karaf team for permission on.

Anyway, just my nonbinding $0.02.


On 12/14/2011 09:35 AM, j...@nanthrax.net wrote:
Hi Glen

SMX doesn't include OpenEJB. It's an integration oriented platform.

What we propose is an JEE application server in OSGi as TomEE for Tomcat.
The purpose is to be Karaf oriented, Geronimo uses Karaf but wraps and
hide a lot of Karaf features.


Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://wwx.talend.com

----- Reply message -----
From: "Glen Mazza"<gma...@talend.com>
Subject: [Proposition] - Apache KarafEE
Date: Wed, Dec 14, 2011 3:29 pm

What would be the difference between KarafEE and ServiceMix? As with
Geronimo and ServiceMix, all I can see is that you want to build on top
of Karaf, but go in a different direction from what they have done
(fine), but, at the same time, directly affiliate it with Karaf (perhaps

So far, Karaf forms a nice core that is embedded by multiple open-source
(ServiceMix, Geronimo) and commercial application containers (Talend
ESB, for example). No problem there, and its speaks well of Karaf that
it is used so often. Let there be 14 projects that build on top of
Karaf, each with their own ideas of which is best, and let the market
decide. But I'm not sure this wrap you're proposing should be called
Karaf (or KarafEE) itself, or be directly associated with Karaf. Let it
be an independent Apache project needing to compete "fair and square"
with Karaf's other wrappers, e.g., ServiceMix and Geronimo.

In the documentation business, Apache Cocoon and BIRT (and probably
other publishing tools) wrap Apache FOP (PDF generator), there is no
"Apache FOP EE" that wrapped itself in order to offer super-features
provided by the separate projects that wrap it. FOP focuses on
remaining a solid tool that higher level documentation/publishing
applications want to incorporate, and more importantly, does not (!)
compete with those products gracious enough to wrap it. It's a nice
division--good fences make good neighbors.

Same thing with Tomcat -- very nicely incorporated by GlassFish, JBoss,
Geronimo, SpringSource (what they call Enterprise Tomcat, but still a
separate product and team) and probably others. The Tomcat team, like
the Karaf team, is very bright and I'm sure quite capable of making
their own wrap and competing with their wrappers--but they wisely (IMO)
resist, probably a major reason for Tomcat's heavy adoption and


On 12/14/2011 07:40 AM, Charles Moulliard wrote:

As you probably knows, I work with OpenEJB community since a couple of
weeks to be able to deploy OpenEJB 4.0.0-SNAPSHOT on Apache Karaf. The
OpenEJB container can already been deployed and EJBs jars registered.
Work should be done around OpenEJB to be able to easily scan (like we
do for deploy directory in Karaf) new or updated EJB jars file and add
karaf command.

When this new brick will be ready, everything will be in place to
propose/provide an Apache KarafEE (EE = Enterprise Edition) release
packaging OpenEJB, OpenJPA, Aries JPA, Aries JNDI, Pax Web, Aries
Transaction Manager.

The first question/remark that I will receive from the communauty will
be : Great/Brillant idea but Apache Geronimo is already there and use
Apache Karaf. So why developing a new server : There a lot of good
reasons why we should do that and study my suggestion carefully but
some arguments could be :
(1) concurrence in this area is always good comparing to what we have
in J2EE world, JBoss, TomEE, Glassfish. J2EE are de facto servers used
in major and many Java projects. OSGI is not yet recognized as a
robust and simple solution to be used due to lack of tooling,
complexity to package and create bundles. So having a new OSGI true
J2EE server could help to spread the world,
(2) The packaging and deployment approach of Apache Geronimo is a bit
different from Karaf and some of the Karaf features are not enable
(e.g : features, ...).
(3) The Geronimo web console cannot be reused for Apache Karaf and now
with our new WebConsole we are independent of Apache WebConsole Felix
(4) EJB is back since spec EJB3 like also JPA and more and more
project does not longer use de facto Spring !
(5) With Cellar/Fabric we have a strong foundation to
deploy/manage/use Karaf in the cloud and design multi-servers

KarafEE could be like Cellar, new WebConsole a subproject having its
own assembly release process. It will contain assembly process,
featurs, karaf commands, branding and web consoles stuffs.

Remark : I have proposed also for OpenEJB that they have a
karaf-assembly but our sub-project could be designed for that purpose

What do you think about this proposition ?


Charles Moulliard

Apache Committer

Blog : http://cmoulliard.blogspot.com
Twitter : http://twitter.com/cmoulliard
Linkedin : http://www.linkedin.com/in/charlesmoulliard
Skype: cmoulliard

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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