Hi Charles,

it sounds good to me, and it could be related to the other discussion about Karaf Features sub-project ;)


On 10/18/2012 09:06 AM, Charles Moulliard wrote:

As you probably knows we have working very hard to propose a CDI container
top of Karaf (weld-osgi, openejb, openwbbeans, ...). This is almost done (=
KarafEE) and work will be presented at ApacheCon 2012. I would like to
suggest that we add to the enterprise features of Karaf this capability
that will allow end users to deploy came-cdi projects using CDI but also
EJB3, JPA, Tx (but based on JavaEE specs). As MyFaces (= CODI project) and
Apache Wicket support CDI, there is also a lot of interest to improve
MyFaces, Wicket projects to be OSGI CDI compliant.

Until now, KarafEE runs top of Karaf 2.3 with some Aries snapshot due to
dependency chain for Geronimo Tx manager but that should be fixed soon


Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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