I'd like to start a discussion on how and where (in terms of branch /
version) we can integrate the new console I worked on those past days.

It provides two apis, one for the console and one for the action model.
 Both apis have no dependencies at all.   The action model implementation
does not depend on the console implementation (only the api) and the
console implementation does not depend on the action model at all.
The console implementation is mostly a big refactoring of the current
console rather than a rewrite bu things are more cleanly separated.  The
action model reuses most of the old code too, but uses an extender and a
new very light DI system to build the actions.  This light DI allows a
better use outside of OSGi, so that I've been able to have all instance:*
and ssh:ssh commands to run from bin/shell.

The branch is currently in a very good state: all integration test passes.
 There are still a few things to do (better logs, optimizations), but those
are all very minor.

So now, the question is where to integrate this.  The only real (but small)
incompatibility is for external projects at build time: if they don't want
to migrate to the new action api, they need to depend on the
org.apache.karaf.shell.compatibility artifact instead of
org.apache.karaf.shell.console, but that's really the only thing to do.

So I see several options:
  * merge the branch in current master (3.1.x), flag the old console
interfaces as deprecated and remove support in 4.x
  * create a 4.x branch

In addition, we may want to think about the following things:
  * what to do about the scr support for the old commands in master: this
is new code, but if we switch the api in 3.1.x, it does not necessarily
makes sense to support this new code, so better delete it.  My first goal
was to prepare the switch to DS but it's not really needed anymore I think
  * refactor bin/instance and bin/client to use the new non-osgi console
(or get rid of those)
  * port all commands to the new api
  * consider merging */command and */core into a single bundle as there are
no dependencies on blueprint anymore and we use an extender, using optional
imports for the apis would make sure bundles can start without the console
and would imho help wrt granularity of our bundles

Thoughts welcomed !


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