On 19.10.2016 15:22, Guillaume Nodet wrote:
I disagree.

All the problems come when you start using maven transitive dependencies in
real projects and hit lots of dependencies which are not OSGi bundles or
not OSGi ready.  Think about simple examples like spring, or all the
bundles that we do re-wrap in servicemix.
I think this idea is nice in theory, but it just does not work in real life.
The idea is to not simply use the transitive dependencies of an existing project. Instead you create a pom where you tune the dependencies using excludes that only the bundles remain that you really want.
I agree that just using any pom will produce bad results.

Also, in the past years, several attemps have been made at using pure maven
metadata to do provisioning, it has always failed to my knowledge, so I'd
really want to avoid going that road again.
The idea is not to use the maven metadata. It should still work like an OBR index but the index could be generated on the fly.

Keep in mind that Karaf always create OBR repositories on the fly, based on
the bundles listed in the features.
So the main change would be to move the definition of the bundles from the feature file to a pom. Eventually this could be the pom where the feature file resides.


Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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