Quick update about the releases.

Cellar 4.0.3 has been released.

Now, we aim to Decanter 1.3.0 for this week (fixing the last issue, hopefully, I will be able to submit the release today or tomorrow).

Karaf 4.0.8 is plan for the end of this week and next week. Unfortunately, it seems that the ARM/Solaris issue with jansi is not fully fixed. I have to find a way to reproduce and fix it.
I keep you posted.


On 10/10/2016 07:43 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
Hi all,

Just a rough schedule for the next release:

- in the coming two weeks (probably end of this week or next one):
-- Cellar 4.0.3 (including support of bundles and features update,
hazelcast upgrade and other bug fixes)
-- Decanter 1.3.0 (elasticsearch upgrade, fix on kafka appender, new
- in two weeks:
-- Container 4.0.8: the ARM/Solaris issue should be fixed now (that was
an important regression in 4.0.6 & 4.0.7). Other fixes and upgrades are
coming too.

- Karaf & Cellar with Mesos and Marathon: last week, I prepared a blog
post showing how to use Karaf and Cellar on Mesos and Marathon. I will
push on my github the dockerfile and marathon json. I will propose the
docker image as official (based on alpine/jre).
I planned to do a talk based on that during ApacheCon but my talk
proposal has been declined.
I plan to publish this post during the week end.


Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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