See my last e-mail in the thread.

The collector should only send map. Marshaller should be called by the appender.

That's really important to both decouple collectors and appenders and be able 
to use the alerts checker.


On Nov 3, 2017, 09:05, at 09:05, Francois Papon <> 
>We also have to change the target of the @Reference unmarshaller in the
>@Reference(target=Marshaller.SERVICE_KEY_DATAFORMAT +
>    public void setUnmarshaller(Unmarshaller unmarshaller) {
>        this.unmarshaller = unmarshaller;
>    }
>where my-data-format is a config propertie, may be the reference have
>be set in the activate method.
>Le 03/11/2017 à 11:56, Francois Papon a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I'm back with Decanter :)
>> I'm thinking about adding a new propertie in the collector-socket to
>> define wich marshaller to use.
>> Actually, the collector-socket marshaller work's only with Json
>> in input but it will be nice if other format could be support.
>> In the case of network equipement, data is send in different format,
>> most of the time, each constructor send data in proprietary format.
>> We could made custom dataFormatter implement Marshaller/Unmarshaller
>> decanter API packaging in a bundle as the Decanter Marshall Json,
>> declare like :
>> @Component(
>>     immediate = true,
>>     property = Marshaller.SERVICE_KEY_DATAFORMAT + "=my-data-format"
>> )
>> in the properties cfg of the collector-socket we could add :
>> # Dataformat json(default)
>> #dataformat=json
>> dataformat=my-data-format
>> I'm ready to do it if you think it could be reuse.

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