
thanks for sharing. Great stuff !

Don't hesitate to ping me if needed !


On 30/04/2019 15:15, l...@code-house.org wrote:
> Dear Karaf user and dev subscribers,
> I would like to share information about free Apache Karaf hackathon
> which will take a place in Brussels within few days (4-5 May 2019). If
> you are interested in Apache Karaf or other Apache projects which will
> be presented during these two days please register using below form. [1]
> We also encourage you to promote Apache Karaf presence via media social
> channels such twitter [2] and linkedin [3].
> Thanks to Apache marketing team and organisers I will be able to
> personally participate in this event. I will present Apache Karaf (up to
> 60 minutes) and surrounding ecosystem. As part of my presentation you
> will learn present state of Karaf, you will also see it compared to
> present trends in software industry. I will be more than happy to help
> you to help you with your projects and boost its adoption to Apache
> Karaf as runtime.
> To give you a brief idea of what whole event is about. There is a
> EU-FOSSA [4] program was launched by European Union institutions with
> primary aim to organise bug bounty for selected Apache projects (Tomcat
> & Kafka). Over time a scope of program was extended to other Apache
> communities.
> If you are security researcher you might win a nice reward for finding
> an vulnerability. For details please follow last link. [4] Remember, its
> not only about bug bounties, but about moving Open Source projects forward.
> Your sincerely,
> Łukasz Dywicki
> —
> Apache Karaf commiter
> Twitter: @ldywicki
> http://connectorio.com | http://code-house.org
> [1] _https://bma-events.typeform.com/to/UfDIeW_
> [2] https://twitter.com/TheASF/status/1123093398787899394
> [3] https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6528859694201651201
> [4] https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eu-fossa-2/about
> https://twitter.com/TheASF/status/1123093398787899394
> https://twitter.com/TheASF/status/1123093398787899394

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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