+1regards,FrancoisEnvoyé depuis mon smartphone Samsung Galaxy.
-------- Message d'origine --------De : Romain Manni-Bucau 
<rmannibu...@gmail.com> Date : 14/11/2019  17:41  (GMT+01:00) À : dev 
<dev@karaf.apache.org> Objet : Re: [PR/DISCUSS] Interceptor module? +1Le jeu. 
14 nov. 2019 à 16:06, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net> aécrit :> It 
sounds good to me ;)>> Regards> JB>> On 14/11/2019 15:53, Loven, Hans CTR (FAA) 
wrote:> > "Karaf Greffer" to keep with the plant theme?> >> > H> >> > 
-----Original Message-----> > From: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>> > 
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2019 8:50 AM> > To: dev@karaf.apache.org> > 
Subject: Re: [PR/DISCUSS] Interceptor module?> >> > Good point ;) And I agree.> 
>> > Let's find another name ;)> >> > Regards> > JB> >> > On 14/11/2019 15:46, 
Loven, Hans CTR (FAA) wrote:> >> Respectfully,> >>> >> Karaf Secateur _sounds_ 
like a great name for something, but I think it> is contrary to what this does. 
 Secateurs are pruning shears.  Unless I> have missed something, this project 
adds annotation-based interceptor> capability.  That seems the opposite of 
pruning, imho.> >>> >>> >> Cheers,> >> Hans> >>> >> -----Original Message-----> 
>> From: Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net>> >> Sent: Thursday, November 
14, 2019 6:38 AM> >> To: dev@karaf.apache.org> >> Subject: Re: [PR/DISCUSS] 
Interceptor module?> >>> >> I think we have two options:> >>> >> 1. Explicit 
name: Karaf IoC> >> 2. Fancy name: Karaf Secateur> >>> >> Either way is fine 
for me ;)> >>> >> Regards> >> JB> >>> >> On 14/11/2019 13:32, Christian 
Schneider wrote:> >>> In that case I am fine with the ioc name.> >>>> >>> 
Christian> >>>> >>> Am Do., 14. Nov. 2019 um 13:17 Uhr schrieb Romain 
Manni-Bucau <> >>> rmannibu...@gmail.com>:> >>>> >>>> Im fine whatever works 
the most.> >>>>> >>>> Ioc proposal comes from the hope to fill the gap between 
spring/CDI> >>>> and OSGi ecosystem without going directly to osgi-cdi which 
has some> >>>> pitfalls for cdi guys.> >>>> Interceptors were just the first 
step but it can be more after so> >>>> having interceptor in the name sounded 
limited to me.> >>>> Hope it clarifies where Im coming from.> >>>>> >>>> Le 
jeu. 14 nov. 2019 à 13:05, Christian Schneider> >>>> <ch...@die-schneider.net> 
>>>>>> >>>> a écrit :> >>>>> >>>>> Sounds good .. for the name I propose 
karaf-interceptor.> >>>>> The name karaf-ioc ( I guess it should mean inversion 
of control)> >>>>> does> >>>> not> >>>>> seem to match well what it does.> 
>>>>>> >>>>> Christian> >>>>>> >>>>> Am Do., 14. Nov. 2019 um 12:51 Uhr schrieb 
Jean-Baptiste Onofré <> >>>>> j...@nanthrax.net>:> >>>>>> >>>>>> Agree, my 
point is that technically possible.> >>>>>>> >>>>>> And also agree to create a 
karaf-ioc repo (it takes me 2 minutes> ;)).> >>>>>>> >>>>>> We can start a 
formal vote about that. Let's just wait Romain's> >>>> feedback.> >>>>>>> 
>>>>>> Regards> >>>>>> JB> >>>>>>> >>>>>> On 14/11/2019 12:44, Christian 
Schneider wrote:> >>>>>>> Of course it technically works but it would be the 
only case in> >>>>>>> the> >>>>> karaf> >>>>>>> main repo. It would confuse 
people a lot. I think we should not> >>>>>>> start> >>>>>> this.> >>>>>>> 
Creating a new karaf repo is no big issue.> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Christian> 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Am Do., 14. Nov. 2019 um 11:54 Uhr schrieb Jean-Baptiste 
Onofré <> >>>>>>> j...@nanthrax.net>:> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Hi,> >>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>> It can be released in its own cycle in the main repo.> >>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>> For instance, ServiceMix Bundles are on an unique git repo, but> 
>>>>>>>> I do release of each independently from the others.> >>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>> I think we can start like this.> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Regards> >>>>>>>> 
JB> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> On 14/11/2019 11:09, Christian Schneider wrote:> 
>>>>>>>>> The fact that it evolves a lot at the start is even another> >>>> 
argument> >>>>> to> >>>>>>>>> keep it out of the karaf main repo as there you 
can only> >>>>>>>>> release> >>>>>> together> >>>>>>>>> with karaf.> >>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>> I think in the end it is your decision - either a new karaf> 
>>>>>>>>> repo (I> >>>>> can> >>>>>>>>> create it for you) or a new aries repo 
(again I can create it)> >>>>>>>>> or> >>>> the> >>>>>>>> aries> >>>>>>>>> main 
repo. So all options should be pretty quick to do.> >>>>>>>>> (Of course if you 
decide for aries we need an approval from the> >>>>>>>>> pmc> >>>>> of> 
>>>>>>>>> aries but I guess that is rather a formality as most are also> 
>>>>>>>>> in> >>>> this> >>>>>>>> list> >>>>>>>>> and would have objected if 
they did not want it at aries).> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Christian> >>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>> Am Mi., 13. Nov. 2019 um 09:39 Uhr schrieb Romain Manni-Bucau <> 
>>>>>>>>> rmannibu...@gmail.com>:> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> I kind of share the 
fact code will likely be stable - that> >>>>>>>>>> said,> >>>>>>>> depending> 
>>>>>>>>>> the adoption it can evolve quite a lot for ~1 year I think> 
>>>>>>>>>> (adding> >>>>>>>> method> >>>>>>>>>> binding support is the one I 
have in mind if the module works> >>>> great> >>>>>>>> without> >>>>>>>>>> this 
feature).> >>>>>>>>>> Where I'm a bit less "easy" is cause karaf has jms, jpa, 
jdbc> >>>>>>>>>> etc> >>>>>>>> modules> >>>>>>>>>> so it sounds it is on the 
same plan to me, no?> >>>>>>>>>> That said, once again any home will be fine 
for me while it> >>>>>>>>>> exists> >>>>> ;)> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Le mer. 13 
nov. 2019 à 09:29, Christian Schneider <> >>>>>>>> ch...@die-schneider.net> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> a écrit :> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> I would not put the 
new code into an existing Aries subproject.> >>>>>> Instead> >>>>>>>>>> we> 
>>>>>>>>>>> could add a new one.> >>>>>>>>>>> Either in its own git repo or in 
the shared one (depends on> >>>>>>>>>>> how> >>>> we> >>>>>> want> >>>>>>>>>> 
to> >>>>>>>>>>> release).> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> @Romain .. do you plan to 
version by bundle or the whole> >>>>> interceptor> >>>>>>>>>>> subproject?> 
>>>>>>>>>>> If you plan to release by bundle then the aries main git> 
>>>>>>>>>>> would> >>>> be a> >>>>>>>> great> >>>>>>>>>>> fit as the modules 
there are released in the same fashion.> >>>>>>>>>>> If you plan to always 
release the whole interceptor tree then> >>>>>>>>>>> a> >>>> new> >>>>>> git> 
>>>>>>>>>>> repo in aries or karaf would work great.> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> 
The karaf main repo would be a bad choice as I think the> >>>>> interceptor> 
>>>>>>>> code> >>>>>>>>>>> will be quite stable after some time while karaf 
will always> >>>>>>>>>>> be> >>>>>>>> changing.> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> 
Christian> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Am Di., 12. Nov. 2019 um 11:23 Uhr schrieb 
Romain Manni-Bucau> >>>>>>>>>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>> rmannibu...@gmail.com>:> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Updated the code, last changes are mainly:> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> 1. moving the module in the right parent (I put it 
in> >>>>>>>>>>>> service> >>>>>> instead> >>>>>>>>>> of> >>>>>>>>>>>> 
service*s* originally)> >>>>>>>>>>>> 2. added an E2E test using pax-exam 3. 
make it work :)> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> I added a doc page ([1]) to try to 
share more what it tries> >>>>>>>>>>>> to> >>>>>>>> achieve.> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> About aries, the proxy module looks almost 100% bound to> >>>> 
blueprint> >>>>>> so> >>>>>>>>>>>> didn't see it as an option but I don't have 
a really strong> >>>>> blocker> >>>>>>>>>>> there,> >>>>>>>>>>>> I'll fully 
trust the OSGi@apache community on that.> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> [1]> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> 
>>>> https://github.com/apache/karaf/pull/993/files#diff-6aaf055d932f602b> >>>> 
0> >>>> 6135e6446ee6c2eR15> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Romain Manni-Bucau> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> @rmannibucau <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau> |  Blog> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://rmannibucau.metawerx.net/> | Old Blog> >>>>>>>>>>>> 
<http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com> | Github <> >>>>>>>>>>>> 
https://github.com/rmannibucau> | LinkedIn> >>>>>>>>>>>> 
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau> | Book <> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>> 
https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/java-ee-8-high-perf> >>>> o> 
>>>> rmance> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Le mar. 12 
nov. 2019 à 08:15, Grzegorz Grzybek <> >>>>>> gr.grzy...@gmail.com>> >>>>>>>>>> 
a> >>>>>>>>>>>> écrit :> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pon., 11 lis 2019 o 20:45 Christian Schneider <> >>>>>>>>>> 
ch...@die-schneider.net> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> napisał(a):> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Great to hear that you already considered 
aspecio.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> If we want to put this into apache then I rather 
would> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggest> >>>>>>>>>> Apache> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Felix, Apache 
Aries or a Karaf submodule.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes, 
IMO it'd fit more into Apache Aries Proxy.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 
regards> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Grzegorz Grzybek> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The interceptor support is a small standalone module that> >>>> 
should> >>>>>>>>>> have> >>>>>>>>>>>> its> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> own lifecycle.> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Putting it in the main karaf tree would mean it is> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> released> >>>> for> >>>>>>>>>> every> >>>>>>>>>>>>> karaf> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Am Mo., 11. Nov. 2019 um 20:38 Uhr schrieb 
Romain> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Manni-Bucau> >>>> <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
rmannibu...@gmail.com>:> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @Christian yes and no. 
Ray pointed out aspecio to me but> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I> >>>> had> >>>>> a> 
>>>>>>>>>>> few> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with it:> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. it brings its own stack - and yes I care 
about each> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> single> >>>>> dep> >>>>>>>>>>> my> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 
app> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brings cause, a) network usage the size can implies with> 
>>>> modern> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deployments, b) security vulnerabilities the stack 
can> hide.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. it is not at asf or asf influenced (as part of> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> codehaus> >>>>>>>>>> projects> >>>>>>>>>>>> had> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> been in early times for exapple) with all it implies in> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> terms> >>>>> of> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> governance> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and 
legal quality.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. the API is reinvented compared to the final 
step of my> >>>>>>>>>> proposal> >>>>>>>>>>>>> which> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would be 
aligned on the standard. Current version of code> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is> 
>>>>>>>>>> almost> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> aligned> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on interceptor API 
(you just sed the package for the> >>>> mainstream> >>>>>>>>>>>> usage)> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the consumer side is a bit different, I 
must refine it to> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be> >>>>>>>>>> closer> >>>>>>>>>>>> to> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CDI> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but it is just a matter of handling RUNTIME 
interceptor> >>>>>>>>>> annotations> >>>>>>>>>>>> and> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just 
using @Interceptors as a component property type of> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> type> 
>>>>>>>>>>> boolean> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not a value holder 
which breaks interceptor simplicity.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. it is a one guy github 
project (even if code quality> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is> >>>> not> >>>>>>>>>> bad)> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> so> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> not> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something you can reliably 
use in a professional project> >>>>>>>>>> (<joke>we> >>>>>>>>>>>>> don't> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code in javascript ;)</joke>) 5. no commit since > 1 year?> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hope it clarifies a bit how I ended up on that 
proposal.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Romain Manni-Bucau> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
@rmannibucau <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau> |  Blog> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
<https://rmannibucau.metawerx.net/> | Old Blog> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
<http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com> | Github <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
https://github.com/rmannibucau> | LinkedIn> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau> | Book <> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>> 
https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/java-ee-8-high-perf> >>>> o> 
>>>> rmance> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Le lun. 11 nov. 2019 à 20:22, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <> 
>>>>>>>>>>> j...@nanthrax.net>> >>>>>>>>>>>> a> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> écrit :> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Romain,> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that sounds great to me ! Thanks for that.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First, you did well in terms of modules organization: it> >>>> 
makes> >>>>>>>>>>>> sense> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have interceptor 
in service (like staticcm).> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> About the use 
case, it makes sense as well. I will take> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a> >>>>>>>>>> 
deeper> >>>>>>>>>>>> look> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> soon.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again !> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JB> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 11/11/2019 19:37, 
Romain Manni-Bucau wrote:> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I took some time this week-end to draft an interceptor> >>>> 
module> >>>>>>>>>>> in> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Karaf.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to 
describe it in the related PR ([1]) - in WIP> >>>> mode> >>>>>>>>>> so> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jump> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on me yet cause 
tests are not there please ;).> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> High 
level, I missed a lot interceptors (from javax.)> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> starting> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> to> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SCR.> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It mainly change the way to add 
transversal features> >>>>>>>>>> (metrics,> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> security,> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tracing, circuit-breaker, asynchronism to cite a few).> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I still have some API refinement to do but 
high level> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it> >>>>>>>>>> would> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> enable a> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service to be marked as intercepted ([2]) and implement> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> interceptors> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "as> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> usual" ([3]) 
and link them with a marker (in the PoC it> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is> >>>> an> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> annotation).> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It is in 
very early stages but before investing way> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> more> >>>>>>>>>> 
time,> >>>>>>>>>>>> I'd> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> like> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know if it sounds like a module Karaf could host and> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would> >>>>>>>>>>>> benefit> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> more> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than me or if it is an "EE guy" idea ;).> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wdyt?> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1] 
https://github.com/apache/karaf/pull/993> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> 
>>>> https://github.com/apache/karaf/pull/993/files#diff-5edc34da45232dc1> >>>> 
2> >>>> a96cae52e620adcR22> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [3]> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>> 
https://github.com/apache/karaf/pull/993/files#diff-412d137df581cff1> >>>> 9> 
>>>> 38e723692a1ec45R24> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Romain 
Manni-Bucau> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> @rmannibucau <https://twitter.com/rmannibucau> | 
 Blog> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://rmannibucau.metawerx.net/> | Old Blog> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <http://rmannibucau.wordpress.com> | Github <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/rmannibucau> |> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LinkedIn 
<https://www.linkedin.com/in/rmannibucau> |> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Book <> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>> 
https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/java-ee-8-high-perf> >>>> o> 
>>>> rmance> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
jbono...@apache.org> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://blog.nanthrax.net Talend - 
http://www.talend.com> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> --> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> --> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christian 
Schneider> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.liquid-reality.de> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Computer Scientist> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.adobe.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>>> --> >>>>>>>>>>> --> >>>>>>>>>>> Christian Schneider> >>>>>>>>>>> 
http://www.liquid-reality.de> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Computer Scientist> 
>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.adobe.com> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> --> >>>>>>>> Jean-Baptiste Onofré> >>>>>>>> 
jbono...@apache.org> >>>>>>>> http://blog.nanthrax.net> >>>>>>>> Talend - 
http://www.talend.com> >>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> --> >>>>>> 
Jean-Baptiste Onofré> >>>>>> jbono...@apache.org> >>>>>> 
http://blog.nanthrax.net> >>>>>> Talend - http://www.talend.com> >>>>>>> >>>>>> 
>>>>>> >>>>> --> >>>>> --> >>>>> Christian Schneider> >>>>> 
http://www.liquid-reality.de> >>>>>> >>>>> Computer Scientist> >>>>> 
http://www.adobe.com> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >> --> >> Jean-Baptiste 
Onofré> >> jbono...@apache.org> >> http://blog.nanthrax.net> >> Talend - 
http://www.talend.com> >>> >> > --> > Jean-Baptiste Onofré> > 
jbono...@apache.org> > http://blog.nanthrax.net> > Talend - 
http://www.talend.com> >>> --> Jean-Baptiste Onofré> jbono...@apache.org> 
http://blog.nanthrax.net> Talend - http://www.talend.com>

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