On 05/05/2020 23:38, Łukasz Dywicki wrote:
> With regard to failure scenario from Grzegorz - I think I've ran into
> one. Lately I migrated some features and resolver blew up - it did
> because conditional feature was defined in two feature sets causing
> stack overflow. I solved it by removal of duplicated feature.

This sounds very familiar, in the sense of

> The faulty condition is this one:
> https://github.com/apache/karaf/blob/master/features/core/src/main/java/org/apache/karaf/features/internal/region/Subsystem.java#L385
> I wasn't sure if that's a bug or not, so I didn't register it and didn't
> test against it.

An identity check, neat.

As mentioned in the above issue, I do believe the equality contracts of
all classes in
are not taking into account scenarios they are used in -- which could
explain the need for an identity check here.

Unfortunately I do not have the cycles to contribute the fixes for this :(


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