
That’s exactly the purpose of extension in replacement of features: Karaf will 
provides kind of "extension store", with "approved" functionalities.

You can see a extensions proto set here:


It’s exactly what you are describing: you have the extension market store, and 
I will also add "extension bom" for developers (for now, extensions are 

Here’s the code to start Karaf with extension:

        KarafConfig config = KarafConfig.builder()
        karaf = Karaf.build(config);

Then, you can simple run karaf with java -jar my-karaf.jar

With this approach, it’s very easy to have an UI to create this code.


> Le 17 déc. 2020 à 14:29, Alex Weirig <alex.wei...@technolink.lu> a écrit :
> Dear all,
> imho, one of the biggest issues with (karaf) is that you need to know where 
> you get the right bundles/features from. If I want to do JAX-RS with 
> Whiteboard, what repo do I need to add? What version? How do I even know I 
> need to add a repo and where to find the right address for that repo?
> I'm sure you all have been through trying to figure out what you need to add 
> to karaf in order to have it support the features you need.
> Once you've done it, you better take note of it, because next time you setup 
> a new karaf instance you might have to figure it out again. But maybe in the 
> mean time, Aries has changed a couple of things, versions have changed (for 
> sure) etc.
> Isn't it so much easier on our smartphones and even computers? ... We go to 
> the app store, search for an app and once we've bought it, if we want to 
> re-install it, it's still there, probably even with a new version.
> Now, I'm not asking for a karaf app store but what about a "wizard" where you 
> can pick from some of the most common use cases we all love to see running in 
> our karaf instances.
> This could be some kind of a list:
> DS
> Webconsole
> JAX-RS with Whiteboard
> JPA ...
> Blueprint ...
> your favorites here
> and you pick what you need and karaf (somehow) knows what repos to add and 
> what to install from the repos.
> Seconds later, you get your new karaf instance up and running.
> Is there anyone else thinking that this could be useful or am I the only one 
> struggling with these issues? That would be my Xmas wish for Karaf 5.x.
> Merry Xmas and a wonderful healthy Happy New Year 2021 to all of you. Take 
> care and stay healthy.
> Mat frëndleche Gréiss,
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> Meilleures salutations,
> Kind regards,
> Alex Weirig
> Responsable Technique
> Ville de Luxembourg
> Service Enseignement
> Centre Technolink
> Tel +352 4796 - 6127 <tel:+35247966127>
> Fax +352 42 88 81
> Email alex.wei...@technolink.lu <mailto:alex.wei...@technolink.lu>
> www.vdl.lu <http://www.vdl.lu/> // www.technolink.lu 
> <http://www.technolink.lu/>
> Centre Technolink
> 2, rue Charles de Tornaco 
> indoors.this.blesses
>  <https://map.what3words.com/indoors.this.blesses>schaufel.besten.kopie
>  <https://map.what3words.com/schaufel.besten.kopie>supposons.levage.venger
>  <https://map.what3words.com/supposons.levage.venger>
> On 15/12/2020 18:32, Jean-Baptiste Onofre wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> Maybe some of you know that I started to work on Karaf 5.
>> I have something that it’s almost "usable".
>> Before sending a global discussion thread on the mailing list, I would like 
>> to evaluate the ideas & big changes I did.
>> I would like to know if some of you would be interested by a panel 
>> discussion call to introduce Karaf 5 (limited audience at first step).
>> The agenda of this call would be:
>> 1. Pros/Cons about Karaf as it is today
>> 2. Concepts in Karaf 5 (module, extension, …)
>> 3. Building & running
>> 4. Live demo
>> It could be recorded/webinar style (not necessary live call) for about 20 
>> people at first step (both Karaf developers and users).
>> The purpose is to evaluate the direction.
>> Thoughts ?
>> Who would be interested ?
>> Thanks,
>> Regards
>> JB

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