
I'd like to announce the release of three Pax projects - Pax Transx 0.5.4,
Pax JMS 1.1.3 and Pax JDBC 1.5.6.

This is a simultaneous release with mutual version alignment and certain
amount of refreshment.

The relevant changelogs are here:

   - Pax Transx:
   - Pax JMS:
   - Pax JDBC:

The notable changes are:

*Pax Transx:*

   - Atomikos TM upgraded to 5.0.9
   - Narayana TM upgraded to 5.12.7

*Pax JMS:*

   - Netty (tests) upgraded to 4.1.95
   - pooled-jms upgraded to 1.2.4
   - Narayana TM upgraded to 5.12.7
   - ActiveMQ upgraded to 5.16.6

mind that Pax JMS works with newer versions of Artemis and ActiveMQ. Simply
we want to keep JDK8 compatibility

*Pax JDBC:*

   - MS SQL driver upgraded to 12.3.1
   - Oracle driver upgraded to
   - MariaDB driver upgraded to 3.1.4
   - MySQL driver upgraded to 8.1.0
   - SQLite driver upgraded to
   - PostgreSQL driver upgraded to 42.6.0
   - HSQLDB driver upgraded to 2.7.2
   - H2 driver upgraded to 2.2.220
   - Narayana TM upgraded to 5.12.7

kind regards
Grzegorz Grzybek

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