Hi folks,

I was talking to Daniel and Tomek on Slack that it would be awesome to have
a DEV call to discuss the future of Apache Kibble.

I am one of the committer, PMC Member and Release Manager of the Apache
Airflow project. I organized regular dev calls for Airflow until we
released Airflow 2.0 last week. And it really helped with aligning the
goals, scoping the items for the release etc.

I really think this would also be useful for Apache Kibble. I recently
started contributing to Kibble (commits
<https://github.com/apache/kibble/commits?author=kaxil>) and looks like it
needs more love and a bit of refactor. Whether we want to refactor existing
codebase or start fresh can be discussed on the call.

I propose let's start with one call and then we will see if a regular call
is needed or we can do async.

Following is the link of the doodle I created, please add a vote to what
day and time suits you best in the new year.

Doodle: https://doodle.com/poll/g39kwv6e87gcvfst

Let me know what you all think.


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