Hi All

One of the themes in the Community Track at ApacheCon@Home in September is 
around community health and metrics. If you take a look at the schedule 


You will find a few talks that are really interesting to what our community 
does and is looking to do. There is a talk about an alternative metric for bus 
factor (I know we have been using Pony Factor instead but it would be good to 
hear what a potential new suggestion could be!)

There is a talk from Apache Superset about how to quantify the growth and 
evolution of an open source community. (Doesn't that sound a little familiar?) 
And there is another Superset talk about using dashboard. So some more really 
good talks to see and perhaps a chance to link up with the Superset community 
and see how we might be able to work together!

We also have a talk based on the exploration of social and technical work 
happening in the Apache Incubator community - so once again something that 
could be interesting and relevant to what we want Kibble to achieve.

So please take a look at the Community track schedule and see if you can catch 
these talks.


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