
I am hoping someone here on the Kibble dev list can help us fix COMDEV-425

Over in the Apache Lucene project, as we were drafting our last Board
quarterly report, we noticed that the "Busiest GitHub topics", which seems
to use Kibble in the Apache Reporter tool
<https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/comdev/reporter.apache.org/trunk>, fails
to include Lucene's github repo (https://github.com/apache/lucene).

It is currently using lucene-solr, lucenenet, lucene-site.

But since Lucene and Solr have not split development, we need to add lucene
into that list as well.  And likely Solr also needs to add "solr" github

I think there must be some Kibble configuration somewhere to fix.  I can
see from kibble.py that the tool loads the stats from
https://demo.kibble.apache.org.  Does anyone know where that configuration
might be?


Mike McCandless


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