We can perhaps consider taking a provider approach and have cert generation
be able to done with both providers (Sun & BouncyCastle)
and any other impls in future?

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 2:06 PM, larry mccay <larry.mc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All -
> Pascal Oliva has filed KNOX-242 and provided a patch contribution for
> replacing the use of the sun/oracle proprietary classes with the use of the
> Bouncy Castle library.
> With reported plans from oracle to limit or block access to the old sun
> classes it seems that we need to make a move here anyway.
> Pascal's motivation appears to be that these classes also do not exist in
> the IBM JVM environment and therefore Knox does not build or run.
> I have applied his patch and have tested the server and CLI create-cert
> behavior and it seems to work compatibly.
> I intend to commit this work later tonight unless someone can articulate a
> compelling reason not to.
> thanks,
> --larry

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