
1) About the identity-assertion provider, I don't understand what its role
is. I added it in my idp.xml topology but unsuccessfully:
Though, I still don't have any principal. I have a log telling me the user
profile is retrieved in the Pac4jIdentityAdapter (before the doAs), but the
user principal is not retrieved from the request in the KnoxSSO service:

Am I wrong in the identity-assertion provider configuration? Where should I

2) Several things go into the web session: tokens (for example for OAuth
1.0), flow information (like the authentication has already been performed
to avoid infinite loop), authenticated user profile...
I need to protect these information and share them among all the gateway
instances. To share them, I save them in cookies and to protect them, I
encrypt them.

Notice that there is a new concept of SessionStore in pac4j and j2e-pac4j
with a specific implementation for Knox (the session is stored into
cookies) and we could save these session information almost anywhere, like
in a clustered cache like Redis or Memcache for example. I'm not too
ambitious for this first version though.

The encryption now works. My only question is about the generated password:
will it be different for each gateway instance? I'm expecting to have the
same password as the encrypted cookies are shared.

Best regards,

2015-11-25 14:18 GMT+01:00 larry mccay <larry.mc...@gmail.com>:

> inline...
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 5:04 AM, Jérôme LELEU <lel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for all your help. I've made the pac4j integration works in Knox
> > (using a simple basic auth where login = pwd or a remote CAS server).
> >
> >
> Great!
> > I have two points left (before more tests and documentation):
> >
> > 1) In my Pac4jIdentityAdapter, I successfully retrieved the authenticated
> > user and perform a doAs with it, but I still end with an error 500.
> Putting
> >  a breakpoint in the WebSSOResource, I get null as the authenticated
> > user (*Principal
> > p *= (*(HttpServletRequest)request).getUserPrincipal();*). Doing more
> > debugging, I see that the original request in my Pac4jIdentityAdapter is
> > a XForwardedHeaderRequestWrapper, then a filter is
> > called: RegexIdentityAssertionFilter which encapsulates the request in a
> > new one: IdentityAsserterHttpServletRequestWrapper. So I don't understand
> > why this filter comes into play and why my authenticated subject is
> "lost".
> >
> >
> The fact that you are getting the RegExIdentityAssertionFilter sort of
> points to an issue in your
> topology. Unless you have purposely configured the regex provider.
> Make sure that you have configuration that looks like this in your
> topology:
> <provider>
>     <role>identity-assertion</role>
>     <name>Default</name>
>     <enabled>true</enabled>
> </provider>
> > 2) To save session data, I use cookies: for each key, I have a cookie
> whose
> > value is the serialized object in base64. I don't think it's secure
> enough,
> > especially for the authenticated user profile. I think I could use the
> > JWTokenAuthority to wrap data in a token: does it make sense to use it?
> Is
> > there any other way to secure data? What's your recommendation /
> > expectation? In a token, it seems I can only set a subject, issuer,
> > audience and no extra attributes: am I getting it right?
> >
> >
> What keys do you need to store in "session"?
> Putting them in a JWT token in a cookie won't really make it any more
> secure.
> They are signed but not encrypted.
> We could extend the tokenAuthority to use encrypted tokens as well if
> really needed.
> And you could put them in the generic claims of the token.
> However, this is all pretty much a misuse of the token that is supposed to
> represent an identity or authentication event.
> There is another gatewayService that you could use called the CryptoService
> - you get to this the same way that you get to the
> tokenAuthority, aliasService, etc.
> You could provision a password from your provider contributor - see:
> https://github.com/apache/knox/blob/539557c902404529c4636bfe0425ba44980cc177/gateway-provider-rewrite-step-encrypt-uri/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/gateway/encrypturi/impl/EncryptUriDeploymentContributor.java
> The initializeContribution method initiates the creation of an
> alias/password to be used for password based encryption later while
> protecting internal URL details.
> Note the simple injection of the AliasService just by adding a
> setAliasService method to the contributor.
> Then in EncryptUriProcessor you will find the runtime use of that password
> for PBE in:
> https://github.com/apache/knox/blob/33bb1ce5727a54721baec0125dd1254d275160ac/gateway-provider-rewrite-step-encrypt-uri/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/gateway/encrypturi/impl/EncryptUriProcessor.java
> Note the lookup of the cryptoService.initialize() and its use in the
> encode().
> This will certainly allow you to protect the keys within cookies - if that
> is what you are looking to do.
> I updated the pull request with my latest source code:
> > https://github.com/apache/knox/pull/2
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Best regards,
> > Jérôme
> >
> >
> >
> Hope that is helpful.
> --larry

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