Hi everyone,

I wanted to start a discussion about adding the capability of
capturing metrics in Knox. The initial step could be something simple
like request processing metrics and exposing the numbers via JMX
and/or REST APIs. There is a bigger discussion around metering and
throttling that this could play into but maybe wise to avoid initially

One of the projects that I came across while looking into this is
https://dropwizard.github.io/metrics/3.1.0/. It seems to be popular
amongst other open source projects and has a lot of useful
functionality and seems quite stable (also has Apache 2.0 license).

Another project that comes up in this space is http://prometheus.io/,
but I am strongly leaning towards dropwizard based on some initial
playing around that I’m doing.

Anyhow, implementation aside, it would be good to discuss and agree
upon requirements. Things like:

1. What metrics are we interested in?
2. Who are the potential consumers of this data? Dashboards?
3. How do we want to expose the metrics?
4. Do we want to capture metrics at a service level (e.g. All requests
made for WebHDFS)?
5. Configuration (how do we want to turn this functionality on or off
or something more granular)

Of course the basic question is whether we would like to consider this
functionality at all. If we do, I’d be happy to file a JIRA and work
on it.



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