Larry, thanks for volunteering to manage the next release. The feature set
and release date both sound terrific to me. I think the community will
greatly benefit from quick releases that have meaty features.



On 1/5/16, 3:13 PM, "larry mccay" <> wrote:

>All -
>I would like to both volunteer as release manager and start identifying
>target features for an 0.8.0 release.
>As has been discussed on the [1] thread, the driving feature should be the
>inclusion of the incoming pac4j federation provider and some key
>authentication mechanisms:
>* CAS
>* OpenID Connect
>* OAuth 2
>This will be focused on usecases that benefit from such an integration -
>those being:
>* Web SSO using KnoxSSO for access to participating applications such as:
>Ambari, Ranger, Hadoop UIs, etc.
>* The use of the SSOCookieProvider for protecting access to the REST APIs
>through the Knox Gateway and how this can be leveraged in the development
>of an application that participates in KnoxSSO.
>I think that we should identify critical issues that need to be fixed as
>early as possible and ensure that they are also backported to the 0.7.0
>branch for an upcoming maint release from the line.
>I will take a pass through the JIRAs that are currently marked as fix
>version 0.8.0 and try and push out everything not critical and not related
>to pac4j. We can discuss moving individual JIRAs back as appropriate.
>Critical issues should be set as fix version 0.8.0 and 0.7.0.
>I propose that we target a quick release cycle for 0.8.0 in order to get
>this functionality out to the community.
>What do we all think about 1/29th as the target release date?

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