All - I have made a pass through all of the open JIRAs that are marked for 0.14.0 and moved out obvious candidates that are unlikely to have patches in the next week or so and were not explicitly part of the release KIPs.
If there were any moved out that you feel strongly about and can commit to getting a patch in within the next few days then please feel free to pull them back in with some justification. We still have 25 outstanding JIRAs which is too many to be able to close down in a week given our current closedown rate. I will need to make another pass to descope. I have asked for status on a few JIRAs and a number of actual patches that need revisions and folks haven't responded. I will need to move these out as we are reaching the end of Knoxtober which is the target date for 0.14.0 or 1.0.0. The one main patch for 1.0.0 is the repackaging of all of our classes to get away from packages with the name hadoop in them. KNOX-998 is the JIRA tracking this work. We will need to make a decision on merging the feature branch for KNOX-998 into master in the next couple days. It may be a good idea to try out that branch in your environments to make sure that it works for you. Assuming we get this branch merged, I will propose that the release move forward as 1.0.0. thanks, --larry