The Apache Knox team is proud to announce the release of Apache Knox

Apache Knox is a REST API Gateway for providing secure access to the data
and processing resources of Hadoop clusters. More details on Apache Knox
can be found at:

The release bits are available at:

The change list is in the CHANGES file in the downloaded archive.

This release includes over 175 features, bug fixes and improvements and

is actually our largest number of commits in a release to date!

The Admin UI has been enhanced to leverage the much simpler and efficient

descriptors and provider config and topology generation for a better admin


The automated discovery of cluster changes and topology redeployment is

a much better experience than the use of topology files alone can provide.

While direct authoring topologies is still supported, this should be

deprecated at this time.

We would like to thank all of contributors who made the release possible and

to invite others interested in helping out to engage the community on the

and users lists!

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