The Apache Kudu team is happy to announce the release of Kudu 1.2.0.

Kudu is an open source storage engine for structured data which supports
low-latency random access together with efficient analytical access
patterns. It is designed within the context of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem
and supports many integrations with other data analytics projects both
inside and outside of the Apache Software Foundation.

The new release adds several new features and improvements, including:

- User data such as row contents is now redacted from logging statements.
- Kudu's ability to provide strong consistency guarantees has been
substantially improved.
- Various performance improvements in metadata management as well as
optimizations for BITSHUFFLE encoding on AVX2-capable hosts.

Additionally, 1.2.0 fixes a number of important bugs, including:

- Kudu now automatically limits its usage of file descriptors, preventing
crashes due to ulimit exhaustion.
- Fixed a long-standing issue which could cause ext4 file system corruption
on RHEL 6.
- Fixed a disk space leak.
- Several fixes for correctness in various edge cases.

The above list of changes is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the release
notes below for an expanded list of important improvements, bug fixes, and
incompatible changes before upgrading:

Download it here:
Full release notes:

The Apache Kudu team

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