Hi Senthil,

Kudu masters and tservers expose internal metrics in JSON format at the
/metrics endpoint of the web UI.  You could start by scraping this endpoint
every 10 seconds or so, and recording that.  I think that's more or less
how Cloudera Manager exposes Kudu metrics.  Our docs
<https://kudu.apache.org/docs/administration.html#_kudu_metrics> have more
info about the metrics collected, and other ways they are exposed.

- Dan

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 9:26 PM, Senthil Kumar <senthilec...@gmail.com>

> [BCC - Kudu Dev Team]
> Hello Team ,  Recently we start Kudu Production Cluster , but i feel like
> Monitoring Kudu Components is critical in Production to avoid failures.
> I'm thinking below two components are good to start with
> 1)  Masters
> 2) Tablet Servers
> I welcome everyone's suggestion here to list down the requirements for
> monitoring Kudu Cluster ..
> Cheers,
> Senthil

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