Hi folks,

I've written Java KuduIO for Apache Beam with integration tests making use
of Kudu in Docker.  It is yet to be committed on Apache Beam.

Rather than mocking Kudu client for unit tests I'd like to explore use of
the MiniKuduCluster which "Depends on precompiled kudu, kudu-master, and
kudu-tserver binaries".

I'd need unit tests to run on the main linux distros and OS X.

For the linux distros, would an approach where I extract the binaries from
the packages [1] work please? Or does the MiniKuduCluster rely on actual
installations? I am pretty weak on C builds and linked libraries etc (Java
guy, sorry).

For CentOS I'm exploring this for example:
  rpm2cpio ./kudu-1.4.0+cdh5.12.2+0-1.cdh5.12.2.p0.8.el7.x86_64.rpm | cpio

I haven't explored OS X options yet.

Any advice here would greatly be appreciated to save me going down a dead

Many thanks,

[1] http://kudu.apache.org/docs/installation.html#install_packages

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