Hi Craig,

Thanks, updated it. By the way, the page I found on this topic[1] doesn't
specify it would be necessary to use the manual chooser link, do you
have a link with the current requirements? I'd like to review it so I
can update our releasing documention.


[1] http://www.apache.org/dev/release-download-pages.html#links
On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 02:30:01PM -0700, Private LIst Moderation wrote:
> Your updated download page is soooooo close.
> The dyn/closer needs to link to the page where the user can choose the 
> mirror. I believe you just need to remove the download=true from the link so 
> the user can choose a new mirror and you're good to go.
> Craig
> > On Oct 26, 2018, at 1:34 PM, Private LIst Moderation 
> > <mod-priv...@gsuite.cloud.apache.org> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > This announcement is rejected because the download page does not conform to 
> > requirements:
> > 
> > The link to the source must refer to a mirror chooser such as dyn/closer.
> > The links to the signature and checksum must refer to apache.org/dist/kudu 
> > and not to archive.apache.org
> > The download page should include a description or a link to a page with a 
> > description of how to verify the download using the signature and checksum.
> > 
> > If you can fix the download page timely, this announcement will be approved.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Craig
> > 
> > 
> > From: Attila Bukor <abu...@apache.org>
> > Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Kudu 1.8.0 Released
> > Date: October 26, 2018 at 12:34:19 PM PDT
> > To: u...@kudu.apache.org
> > Cc: annou...@apache.org
> > 
> > 
> > The Apache Kudu team is happy to announce the release of Kudu 1.8.0!
> > 
> > Kudu is an open source storage engine for structured data which supports
> > low-latency random access together with efficient analytical access
> > patterns.  It is designed within the context of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem
> > and supports many integrations with other data analytics projects both
> > inside and outside of the Apache Software Foundation.
> > 
> > The new release adds several new features and improvements, including the
> > following:
> > 
> > - Introduced manual data rebalancer tool which can be used to redistribute
> > table replicas among tablet servers
> > - Added support for `IS NULL` and `IS NOT NULL` predicates to the Kudu
> > Python client
> > - Improved tooling to make diagnostics and troubleshooting simpler
> > - Added support for Spark Streaming DataFrames to the Kudu Spark connector
> > - Added Pandas support to the Python client
> > 
> > The above is just a list of the highlights, for a more complete list of new
> > features, improvements and fixes please refer to the release notes:
> > https://kudu.apache.org/releases/1.8.0/docs/release_notes.html
> > 
> > The Apache Kudu project only publishes source code releases. To build Kudu
> > 1.8.0, follow these steps:
> > 
> > - Download the Kudu 1.8.0 source release:
> > https://kudu.apache.org/releases/1.8.0
> > - Follow the instructions in the documentation to build Kudu 1.8.0 from
> > source:
> > https://kudu.apache.org/releases/1.8.0/docs/installation.html#build_from_source
> > 
> > For your convenience, binary JAR files for the Kudu Java client library,
> > Spark DataSource, Flume sink, and other Java integrations are published to
> > the ASF Maven repository and are now available:
> > https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.apache.kudu%22%20AND%20v%3A%221.8.0%22
> > 
> > The Python client source is also available on PyPI:
> > https://pypi.org/project/kudu-python/
> > 
> > Regards,
> > The Apache Kudu team
> > Craig L Russell
> > Secretary, Apache Software Foundation
> > c...@apache.org http://db.apache.org/jdo
> > 
> Craig L Russell
> Secretary, Apache Software Foundation
> c...@apache.org <mailto:c...@apache.org> http://db.apache.org/jdo 
> <http://db.apache.org/jdo>

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