The latest version 1.5.1 under voting will have a package for HBase 1.x.
Stay tuned and give it a try.

On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 8:38 PM, Yagyank Chadha <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to run sample cube 2 but is stuck on step 2. My problem is same
> as given here(
> )
> but I dont know how to change the hadoop bundeled whith hbase. Because the
> hadoop I installed manually is 2.6 and the hadoop  bundled wtih hbase is
> 2.2 so do I need to upgrade Hbase to 1.1.3 or is there anyother solution?
> Below is the error I am getting
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
> org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration.getServiceAddressConfKeys(Lorg/apache/hadoop/conf/Configuration;)Ljava/util/List;
>         at
> org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.HAUtil.getConfKeyForRMInstance(
>         at
> org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.HAUtil.getConfValueForRMInstance(
>         at
> org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.HAUtil.getConfValueForRMInstance(
>         at
>         at
>         at
> org.apache.kylin.job.execution.AbstractExecutable.execute(
>         at
> org.apache.kylin.job.execution.DefaultChainedExecutable.doWork(
>         at
> org.apache.kylin.job.execution.AbstractExecutable.execute(
>         at
> org.apache.kylin.job.impl.threadpool.DefaultScheduler$
>         at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
>         at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
>         at
> --
> Regards
> *Yagyank chadha*
> *Undergraduate student*
> *Computer Science Engineering*
> *Thapar University, Patiala*

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