Hi   (This is ONLY a Idea - suggestion)

I saw some problems integration between Kylin and HUE or Tableau, when try
to discover metadata info, like: list of databases, list of tables and list
of columns.

The most clear example: HUE 4011
<https://issues.cloudera.org/browse/HUE-4011>, only works with
* Show Databases;
* Show Tables;
* Show Columns from X.Y

The result is the same:
   [image: Imágenes integradas 1]
Other programs, tyr "select * from tb", to return list of columns .... you
know the result of this   ;)

Other programs:
* start all querires with a "use dbName; select . . ."
* or try "from dbName.tbName"  (Nowadays there is a bug)

Really: are small things... but complicate a lot the integration with
others Apps

A lot of thanks for all, Alb

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