Kylin supports left join and inner join. The right join could be rewritten
into left join. Could you have a try?

2016-12-21 11:52 GMT+08:00 <>:

> Hi
>     when I excute the sql:
> (select  t3.CATE1,count(*) from (select  CATE1 ,CATE2 from
> kylinlabel.USER_TAG  group by CATE1 ,CATE2) as t3 group by t3.CATE1) as t4
> right join
> (select cate1 from kylinlabel.USER_TAG group by cate1) as t5 on
> (t4.cate1=t5.cate1)
> I got the error:
> Encountered "as" at line 1, column 129. Was expecting one of: <EOF>
> "ORDER" ... "LIMIT" ... "OFFSET" ... "FETCH" ... "UNION" ... "INTERSECT"
> ... "EXCEPT" ... "NOT" ... "IN" ... "BETWEEN" ... "LIKE" ... "SIMILAR" ...
> "=" ... ">" ... "<" ... "<=" ... ">=" ... "<>" ... "+" ... "-" ... "*" ...
> "/" ... "||" ... "AND" ... "OR" ... "IS" ... "MEMBER" ... "SUBMULTISET" ...
> "MULTISET" ... "[" ... "OVERLAPS" ... "YEAR" ... "MONTH" ... "DAY" ...
> "HOUR" ... "MINUTE" ... "SECOND" ...
> I think the sql is right but cann't get the result, what can I do?

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