Hi Jianhui,

This worth a check; Would you like to report a JIRA for Kylin? Thanks.

2017-06-22 17:18 GMT+08:00 jianhui.yi <jianhui...@zhiyoubao.com>:

> Hi Shaofeng,
> I use the REST API to get a job status, the results show the status is
> Why the two are different?
> {"uuid":"63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b","last_
> modified":1495701203363,"version":"1.6.0","name":"c_tourist_city -
> 19700101000000_2922789940817071255 - BUILD - GMT+08:00 2017-05-25
> 16:26:15","type":"BUILD","duration":387,"related_cube":"
> c_tourist_city","related_segment":"8fccba0a-8eec-4a8a-
> a808-71b37b57e8b2","exec_start_time":0,"exec_end_time":
> 0,"mr_waiting":52,"steps":[{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"
> 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-00","name":"Create Intermediate Flat
> Hive Table","sequence_id":0,"exec_cmd":null,"interrupt_cmd":
> null,"exec_start_time":1495700815387,"exec_end_time":
> 1495700901739,"exec_wait_time":0,"step_status":"FINISHED","
> cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"endTime":"1495700901739","source_
> records_size":"256833793","mr_job_id":"job_1494382281888_
> 14320","hdfs_bytes_written":"80905311","yarn_application_tracking_url":"
> http://sdzn-cdh01:8088/proxy/application_1494382281888_14320/",";
> startTime":"1495700815387"},"run_async":false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"
> 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-01","name":"Redistribute Flat Hive
> Table","sequence_id":1,"exec_cmd":null,"interrupt_cmd":
> null,"exec_start_time":1495700901802,"exec_end_time":
> 1495701047240,"exec_wait_time":0,"step_status":"FINISHED","
> cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"endTime":"1495701047240","source_
> records_size":"81090458","mr_job_id":"job_1494382281888_
> 14324","hdfs_bytes_written":"99473022","yarn_application_tracking_url":"
> http://sdzn-cdh01:8088/proxy/application_1494382281888_14324/",";
> startTime":"1495700901802"},"run_async":false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"
> 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-02","name":"Extract Fact Table
> Distinct Columns","sequence_id":2,"exec_cmd":" -conf
> /app/apache-kylin-2.0.0-cdh5.7-bin/conf/kylin_job_conf.xml -cubename
> c_tourist_city -output hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/
> kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/fact_distinct_columns
> -segmentid 8fccba0a-8eec-4a8a-a808-71b37b57e8b2 -statisticsenabled true
> -statisticsoutput hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/
> kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/
> fact_distinct_columns/statistics -statisticssamplingpercent 100 -jobname
> Kylin_Fact_Distinct_Columns_c_tourist_city_Step -cubingJobId
> 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b","interrupt_cmd":
> null,"exec_start_time":1495701047286,"exec_end_time":
> 1495701079707,"exec_wait_time":12,"step_status":"FINISHED","
> cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"endTime":"1495701079707","source_
> records_size":"447426877","mapReduceWaitTime":"12329","
> sourceSizeBytes":"447426877","source_records_count":"
> 46626421","mr_job_id":"job_1494382281888_14327","hdfs_
> bytes_written":"12870","yarn_application_tracking_url":"htt
> p://sdzn-cdh01:8088/proxy/application_1494382281888_14327/
> ","sourceRecordCount":"46626421","startTime":"1495701047286"},"run_async":
> false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-03","name":"Build
> Dimension Dictionary","sequence_id":3,"exec_cmd":" -cubename
> c_tourist_city -segmentid 8fccba0a-8eec-4a8a-a808-71b37b57e8b2 -input
> hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-
> fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/fact_distinct_columns","
> interrupt_cmd":null,"exec_start_time":1495701079768,"
> exec_end_time":1495701079973,"exec_wait_time":0,"step_
> status":"FINISHED","cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"
> endTime":"1495701079973","startTime":"1495701079768"},"
> run_async":false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-04","name":"Save
> Cuboid Statistics","sequence_id":4,"exec_cmd":null,"interrupt_cmd"
> :null,"exec_start_time":1495701080037,"exec_end_time":
> 1495701080087,"exec_wait_time":0,"step_status":"FINISHED","
> cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"endTime":"
> 1495701080087","startTime":"1495701080037"},"run_async":
> false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-
> fbed446f7b5b-05","name":"Create HTable","sequence_id":5,"exec_cmd":"
> -cubename c_tourist_city -segmentid 8fccba0a-8eec-4a8a-a808-71b37b57e8b2
> -partitions hdfs://nameservice1/kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-63afefb3-
> bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/rowkey_stats/part-r-00000
> -statisticsenabled true","interrupt_cmd":null,"exec_start_time":
> 1495701080150,"exec_end_time":1495701082807,"exec_wait_time"
> :0,"step_status":"FINISHED","cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","
> info":{"endTime":"1495701082807","startTime":"1495701080150"},"run_async":
> false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-06","name":"Build
> Base Cuboid","sequence_id":6,"exec_cmd":" -conf
> /app/apache-kylin-2.0.0-cdh5.7-bin/conf/kylin_job_conf.xml -cubename
> c_tourist_city -segmentid 8fccba0a-8eec-4a8a-a808-71b37b57e8b2 -input
> FLAT_TABLE -output hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/
> kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/cuboid/level_base_cuboid
> -jobname Kylin_Base_Cuboid_Builder_c_tourist_city -level 0 -cubingJobId
> 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b","interrupt_cmd":
> null,"exec_start_time":1495701082869,"exec_end_time":
> 1495701115300,"exec_wait_time":12,"step_status":"FINISHED","
> cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"endTime":"1495701115300","source_
> records_size":"0","mapReduceWaitTime":"12337","source_records_count":"
> 46626421","mr_job_id":"job_1494382281888_14329","hdfs_
> bytes_written":"5454","yarn_application_tracking_url":"htt
> p://sdzn-cdh01:8088/proxy/application_1494382281888_14329/","startTime":"
> 1495701082869"},"run_async":false},{"interruptCmd":null,"
> id":"63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-07","name":"Build N-Dimension
> Cuboid : level 1","sequence_id":7,"exec_cmd":" -conf
> /app/apache-kylin-2.0.0-cdh5.7-bin/conf/kylin_job_conf.xml -cubename
> c_tourist_city -segmentid 8fccba0a-8eec-4a8a-a808-71b37b57e8b2 -input
> hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-
> fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/cuboid/level_base_cuboid -output
> hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-
> fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/cuboid/level_1_cuboid -jobname
> Kylin_ND-Cuboid_Builder_c_tourist_city_Step -level 1 -cubingJobId
> 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b","interrupt_cmd":
> null,"exec_start_time":1495701115369,"exec_end_time":
> 1495701151430,"exec_wait_time":12,"step_status":"FINISHED","
> cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"endTime":"1495701151430","source_
> records_size":"0","mapReduceWaitTime":"12915","
> source_records_count":"661","mr_job_id":"job_1494382281888_
> 14331","hdfs_bytes_written":"121","yarn_application_tracking_url":"
> http://sdzn-cdh02:19888/jobhistory/job/job_1494382281888_14331",";
> startTime":"1495701115369"},"run_async":false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"
> 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-08","name":"Build Cube
> In-Mem","sequence_id":8,"exec_cmd":" -conf /app/apache-kylin-2.0.0-cdh5.
> 7-bin/conf/kylin_job_conf_inmem.xml -cubename c_tourist_city -segmentid
> 8fccba0a-8eec-4a8a-a808-71b37b57e8b2 -output hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/
> kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/cuboid/
> -jobname Kylin_Cube_Builder_c_tourist_city -cubingJobId
> 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b","interrupt_cmd":
> null,"exec_start_time":1495701151507,"exec_end_time":
> 1495701151618,"exec_wait_time":0,"step_status":"FINISHED","
> cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"endTime":"
> 1495701151618","startTime":"1495701151507"},"run_async":
> false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-
> fbed446f7b5b-09","name":"Convert Cuboid Data to
> HFile","sequence_id":9,"exec_cmd":" -conf 
> /app/apache-kylin-2.0.0-cdh5.7-bin/conf/kylin_job_conf.xml
> -cubename c_tourist_city -partitions hdfs://nameservice1/kylin/
> kylin_metadata/kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b/c_
> tourist_city/rowkey_stats/part-r-00000_hfile -input
> hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-
> fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/cuboid/* -output hdfs://nameservice1/kylin/
> kylin_metadata/kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/hfile
> -htablename KYLIN_4JRNNYD9CL -jobname Kylin_HFile_Generator_c_
> tourist_city_Step","interrupt_cmd":null,"exec_start_time":
> 1495701151692,"exec_end_time":1495701189412,"exec_wait_time"
> :14,"step_status":"FINISHED","cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","
> info":{"byteSizeBytes":"8264","endTime":"1495701189412","
> source_records_size":"0","mapReduceWaitTime":"14572","
> source_records_count":"661","mr_job_id":"job_1494382281888_
> 14332","hdfs_bytes_written":"8264","yarn_application_tracking_url":"
> http://sdzn-cdh02:19888/jobhistory/job/job_1494382281888_14332",";
> startTime":"1495701151692"},"run_async":false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"
> 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-10","name":"Load HFile to HBase
> Table","sequence_id":10,"exec_cmd":" -input hdfs://nameservice1/kylin/
> kylin_metadata/kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b/c_tourist_city/hfile
> -htablename KYLIN_4JRNNYD9CL -cubename c_tourist_city","interrupt_
> cmd":null,"exec_start_time":1495701189490,"exec_end_time":
> 1495701195052,"exec_wait_time":0,"step_status":"FINISHED","
> cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"endTime":"
> 1495701195052","startTime":"1495701189490"},"run_async":
> false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-
> fbed446f7b5b-11","name":"Update Cube Info","sequence_id":11,"exec_
> cmd":null,"interrupt_cmd":null,"exec_start_time":
> 1495701195124,"exec_end_time":1495701195139,"exec_wait_time"
> :0,"step_status":"FINISHED","cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","
> info":{"endTime":"1495701195139","startTime":"1495701195124"},"run_async":
> false},{"interruptCmd":null,"id":"63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b-12","name":"Hive
> Cleanup","sequence_id":12,"exec_cmd":null,"interrupt_cmd"
> :null,"exec_start_time":1495701195215,"exec_end_time":
> 1495701203330,"exec_wait_time":0,"step_status":"FINISHED","
> cmd_type":"SHELL_CMD_HADOOP","info":{"endTime":"
> 1495701203330","startTime":"1495701195215"},"run_async":
> false}],"submitter":"ADMIN","job_status":"FINISHED","progress":100.0}
> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: ShaoFeng Shi [mailto:shaofeng...@apache.org]
> 发送时间: 2017年6月22日 11:51
> 收件人: dev <dev@kylin.apache.org>
> 主题: Re: 答复: 答复: Can't cleanup expired data
> Hi Jianhui,
> We see there are so many "READY" jobs, do you know what caused that?
> Usually job engine will automatically execute the jobs whose state is
> "READY". If those jobs are not needed, pls discard them. After that,
> running StorageCleanupJob will remove the HDFS folders for them.
> 2017-06-21 23:03 GMT+08:00 YIJH <jianhui...@zhiyoubao.com>:
> > Hi Billy,
> > I'm sure that all jobs are DISCARD or SUCCEED on kylin's web UI
> >
> > -----邮件原件-----
> > 发件人: Billy Liu [mailto:billy...@apache.org]
> > 发送时间: 2017年6月21日 21:40
> > 收件人: dev <dev@kylin.apache.org>
> > 主题: Re: 答复: Can't cleanup expired data
> >
> > Hi Jianhui,
> >
> > The log said some job's status is READY. Kylin only drop the DISCARD or
> > SUCCEED jobs and related intermediate tables. Could you discard those job
> > first and try the StorageCleanup tool again?
> >
> > Hi Shaofeng,
> >
> > This is second time I saw the storage cleanup issue from community. It's
> > worth doing more investigation.
> >
> > 2017-06-21 19:51 GMT+08:00 jianhui.yi <jianhui...@zhiyoubao.com>:
> >
> > > Hi Shaofeng,
> > > This is the logs,also I found that when I purged cube, HIVE table can
> not
> > > be cleanup,for example cube " c_all".
> > >
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,430 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,430 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/cloudera/parcel
> > > s/CDH-5.8.4-1.cdh5.8.4.p0.5/jars/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/
> > > org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,430 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/apache-kylin-2.
> > > 0.0-cdh5.7-bin/spark/lib/spark-assembly-1.6.3-hadoop2.6.0.
> > > jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,431 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/apache-kylin-2.
> > > 0.0-cdh5.7-bin/tool/kylin-tool-2.0.0.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/
> > > StaticLoggerBinder.class]
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,431 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an
> > > explanation.
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,431 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,431 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > scan complete in 4ms
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,431 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > Connecting to jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,431 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > Connected to: Apache Hive (version 1.1.0-cdh5.8.4)
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,431 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > Driver: Hive JDBC (version 1.1.0-cdh5.8.4)
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,431 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > Transaction isolation: TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > 0: jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000> USE default;
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Compiling command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93434_7dfe91e4-35cf-4cf6-8fcb-ed8034aa2414): USE default
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Semantic Analysis Completed
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:null,
> properties:null)
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93434_7dfe91e4-35cf-4cf6-8fcb-ed8034aa2414); Time taken: 0.015 seconds
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Executing command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93434_7dfe91e4-35cf-4cf6-8fcb-ed8034aa2414): USE default
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93434_7dfe91e4-35cf-4cf6-8fcb-ed8034aa2414); Time taken: 0.007 seconds
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : OK
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,433 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > No rows affected (0.13 seconds)
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,433 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > 0: jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000> show tables 'kylin_intermediate_*';
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,433 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Compiling command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93434_50c2c154-3a2e-4fc9-809a-709f41745511): show tables
> > > 'kylin_intermediate_*'
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,433 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Semantic Analysis Completed
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,433 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:[
> > FieldSchema(name:tab_name,
> > > type:string, comment:from deserializer)], properties:null)
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,433 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93434_50c2c154-3a2e-4fc9-809a-709f41745511); Time taken: 0.003 seconds
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,433 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Executing command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93434_50c2c154-3a2e-4fc9-809a-709f41745511): show tables
> > > 'kylin_intermediate_*'
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,433 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,433 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93434_50c2c154-3a2e-4fc9-809a-709f41745511); Time taken: 0.009 seconds
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > INFO  : OK
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > +-----------------------------------------------------------
> > > --------------------+--+
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > |                                   tab_name
> > >     |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > +-----------------------------------------------------------
> > > --------------------+--+
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_all_3635e241_32aa_4705_886d_98a30cdd7f6f
> > >        |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_all_5fb91fe0_58fc_49f6_b739_56134a242a92
> > >        |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_all_ef25374a_8fca_4411_8a4c_489ab74dd83b
> > >        |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_lots_77cdc36c_3195_42f9_97c0_c41c3474877b
> > >       |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_lots_e5d9169a_1634_44a7_8fd7_2ef1dbb314ad
> > >       |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,435 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_lots_f7e8cd47_c7af_4db5_be2c_467a8ff2ffe4
> > >       |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,435 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_order_by_od_40e2c2d3_c968_4aca_8fbb_
> 716e823c7ace
> > >        |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,435 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_check_04f38f2a_95c2_4c71_9ccf_
> > b84d00b2813f
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,435 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_check_508cfd25_1569_402d_af62_
> > 7b588e631643
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,435 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_check_8980e43a_5bd6_4a60_8ec7_
> > 0fe39df57e91
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,435 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_check_f9b066c1_0619_4834_bc93_
> > d16045793b7e
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,435 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_order_066bdc24_bb5d_47a7_a509_
> > 30d6da3ee822
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,435 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_order_0d6c816b_a47f_4141_be71_
> > 011eb4b84181
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,435 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_order_2132127c_431a_4396_84f8_
> > 85787348cadb
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,436 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_order_6d5a3f9b_18df_468f_b436_
> > fecdf7a7f65d
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,436 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_order_811b590f_f6c5_4ee7_a1d6_
> > f4000ef4ee65
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,436 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_order_9091136f_d21b_463e_9d55_
> > 9e49973a47b4
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,436 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_order_bf255743_e713_4c8d_be65_
> > b24fbaaf4d9a
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,436 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_order_d09c13fd_3732_4524_82f9_
> > 79d0efc320ab
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,436 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_order_e12de66d_4e63_48fa_a35e_
> > b81673ff1730
> > >      |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,436 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_retreat_12f6ddda_aeca_40b8_
> > b4b6_612c4a0241ee
> > >    |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,436 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_retreat_1c4b8b3e_fa66_4487_
> > adeb_b6e1764d264a
> > >    |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_retreat_655b7f0c_924d_4820_
> > 9cf3_0a24aeb7a178
> > >    |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_product_retreat_8552e721_5dae_4bb4_
> > bfae_8ff35e8f1f4d
> > >    |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_scenic_category_0757dfda_a4e2_402a_
> > 9401_b7f286a6173b
> > >    |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_scenic_category_48dfc8c6_b7f2_4de8_
> > ae25_46dee899f59f
> > >    |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_scenic_category_feb8c24a_ccbb_4464_
> > a8e8_696c50540924
> > >    |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_scenic_td_d5ba8259_918a_43ae_88b6_ecfb4e2e0002
> > >        |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_test_lots_30f917ad_a095_4d72_b3a8_d7bc63e14965
> > >        |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_test_lots_8cba0bb9_0590_426b_aa31_a0885576b83b
> > >        |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_test_lots_a0f98f72_e72a_49b3_bcfa_23c5147eb47e
> > >        |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,438 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_toiurist_source_86a724fe_31ae_4342_
> > b831_019984e3ea39
> > >    |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,438 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_toiurist_source_c0b84c9e_9ef6_4eb8_
> > 82f4_82877775ca32
> > >    |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,438 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_tourist_profile_td_253e7fcb_aaa3_491d_
> > 893d_05f0629afee1
> > > |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,438 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_tourist_profile_td_3a95c4ff_5001_4a6f_
> > a6f9_f317b86832a6
> > > |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,438 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_tourist_profile_td_3fab5bea_0872_44fa_
> > a6e3_65bc4209c314
> > > |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,438 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_tourist_profile_td_77eb9721_b73d_48de_
> > 89e0_8948cfc446dc
> > > |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,438 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > | kylin_intermediate_c_tourist_profile_td_78661d41_d885_4626_
> > b61e_5143b02af436
> > > |
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,438 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > +-----------------------------------------------------------
> > > --------------------+--+
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,438 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > 38 rows selected (0.085 seconds)
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,439 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > 0: jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000>
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,439 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > 0: jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000>
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,439 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:283]: Checking
> > table
> > > Closing: 0: jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000
> > > 2017-06-21 19:34:52,439 DEBUG [main HiveCmdBuilder:93]: The SQL to
> > execute
> > > in beeline:
> > > USE default;
> > >
> > > SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
> > > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/cloudera/parcel
> > > s/CDH-5.8.4-1.cdh5.8.4.p0.5/jars/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.5.jar!/
> > > org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
> > > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/apache-kylin-2.
> > > 0.0-cdh5.7-bin/spark/lib/spark-assembly-1.6.3-hadoop2.6.0.
> > > jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
> > > SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/apache-kylin-2.
> > > 0.0-cdh5.7-bin/tool/kylin-tool-2.0.0.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/
> > > StaticLoggerBinder.class]
> > > SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an
> > > explanation.
> > > SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
> > > scan complete in 4ms
> > > Connecting to jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000
> > > Connected to: Apache Hive (version 1.1.0-cdh5.8.4)
> > > Driver: Hive JDBC (version 1.1.0-cdh5.8.4)
> > > Transaction isolation: TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ
> > > 0: jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000> USE default;
> > > INFO  : Compiling command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93535_01b9e339-178a-4623-ac61-9f8d43725a51): USE default
> > > INFO  : Semantic Analysis Completed
> > > INFO  : Returning Hive schema: Schema(fieldSchemas:null,
> properties:null)
> > > INFO  : Completed compiling command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93535_01b9e339-178a-4623-ac61-9f8d43725a51); Time taken: 0.018 seconds
> > > INFO  : Executing command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93535_01b9e339-178a-4623-ac61-9f8d43725a51): USE default
> > > INFO  : Starting task [Stage-0:DDL] in serial mode
> > > INFO  : Completed executing command(queryId=hive_201706211
> > > 93535_01b9e339-178a-4623-ac61-9f8d43725a51); Time taken: 0.008 seconds
> > > INFO  : OK
> > > No rows affected (0.093 seconds)
> > > 0: jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000>
> > > 0: jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000>
> > > Closing: 0: jdbc:hive2://sdzn-cdh01:10000
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,467 INFO  [main CubeManager:138]: Initializing
> > > CubeManager with config kylin_metadata@hbase
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,509 INFO  [main CubeManager:735]: Loading Cube from
> > > folder kylin_metadata(key='/cube')@kylin_metadata@hbase
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,574 INFO  [main CubeDescManager:104]: Initializing
> > > CubeDescManager with config kylin_metadata@hbase
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,575 INFO  [main CubeDescManager:299]: Reloading
> Cube
> > > Metadata from folder kylin_metadata(key='/cube_
> > desc')@kylin_metadata@hbase
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,675 INFO  [main ProjectManager:91]: Initializing
> > > ProjectManager with metadata url kylin_metadata@hbase
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,684 DEBUG [main ProjectManager:130]: Loading
> Project
> > > from folder kylin_metadata(key='/project')@kylin_metadata@hbase
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,698 DEBUG [main ProjectManager:135]: Loaded 1
> > > Project(s)
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,743 INFO  [main CubeDescManager:319]: Loaded 8
> > Cube(s)
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,743 INFO  [main CubeManager:785]: Reloaded cube
> > > being CUBE[name=C_ALL] having 0 segments
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,752 INFO  [main CubeManager:785]: Reloaded cube
> > C_LOTS
> > > being CUBE[name=C_LOTS] having 3 segments
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,753 INFO  [main CubeManager:785]: Reloaded cube
> > > C_PRODUCT_CHECK being CUBE[name=C_PRODUCT_CHECK] having 0 segments
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,754 INFO  [main CubeManager:785]: Reloaded cube
> > > C_PRODUCT_ORDER being CUBE[name=C_PRODUCT_ORDER] having 0 segments
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,755 INFO  [main CubeManager:785]: Reloaded cube
> > > C_PRODUCT_RETREAT being CUBE[name=C_PRODUCT_RETREAT] having 0 segments
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,760 INFO  [main CubeManager:785]: Reloaded cube
> > > C_SCENIC_CATEGORY being CUBE[name=C_SCENIC_CATEGORY] having 3 segments
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,762 INFO  [main CubeManager:785]: Reloaded cube
> > > C_SCENIC_NEW being CUBE[name=C_SCENIC_NEW] having 3 segments
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,768 INFO  [main CubeManager:785]: Reloaded cube
> > > segments
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,768 INFO  [main CubeManager:748]: Loaded 8 cubes,
> > fail
> > > on 0 cubes
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,971 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0000f894-cde3-48b3-a110-
> f2ba7b31f2bc
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0000f894-cde3-48b3-a110-f2ba7b31f2bc with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,972 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-00295804-fd04-42bd-a174-
> af2786471467
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 00295804-fd04-42bd-a174-af2786471467 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,974 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-008bf2e7-b6c0-409e-80eb-
> b37a93733632
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 008bf2e7-b6c0-409e-80eb-b37a93733632 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,975 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-01826325-7623-4e01-aeb5-
> 80bc9da98862
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 01826325-7623-4e01-aeb5-80bc9da98862 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,978 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0184549d-100e-4547-b230-
> 00f9424b8354
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0184549d-100e-4547-b230-00f9424b8354 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,979 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-02290aec-75bc-4754-8115-
> 588ec1ffb122
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 02290aec-75bc-4754-8115-588ec1ffb122 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,981 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-02368805-b5fc-457c-89dd-
> 0093cc9e6b83
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 02368805-b5fc-457c-89dd-0093cc9e6b83 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,983 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-03941367-4f6f-4372-bca8-
> bb70719ce471
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 03941367-4f6f-4372-bca8-bb70719ce471 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,985 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-03e17baf-3036-4e54-912f-
> 9038647815b9
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 03e17baf-3036-4e54-912f-9038647815b9 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,986 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0405b17a-b09b-4656-9aed-
> 4321754d4aaf
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0405b17a-b09b-4656-9aed-4321754d4aaf with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,988 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-042e1457-a448-447b-a1e1-
> da6af91cb28f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 042e1457-a448-447b-a1e1-da6af91cb28f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,990 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-04c5da7c-e3f5-4940-937d-
> 56ddb371fd7e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 04c5da7c-e3f5-4940-937d-56ddb371fd7e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,991 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-05046bf1-d4c6-4b34-87af-
> 08a5b7e42d05
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 05046bf1-d4c6-4b34-87af-08a5b7e42d05 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,993 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-05061cd2-eee1-4426-8b58-
> fc50e48c970c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 05061cd2-eee1-4426-8b58-fc50e48c970c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,994 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0524b0d6-48aa-41ab-aef7-
> f33a73cfdd41
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0524b0d6-48aa-41ab-aef7-f33a73cfdd41 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,996 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0616f0a4-9b18-4153-8707-
> 1ce7dfbe99db
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0616f0a4-9b18-4153-8707-1ce7dfbe99db with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,997 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-064857fe-5f73-4d34-9cac-
> 14710d403d97
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 064857fe-5f73-4d34-9cac-14710d403d97 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:00,999 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-07cd4c90-13a3-4b84-b195-
> 6691e1618bfa
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 07cd4c90-13a3-4b84-b195-6691e1618bfa with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,001 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-080f4e22-fa8f-4ecd-8ff0-
> 7e238b06727f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 080f4e22-fa8f-4ecd-8ff0-7e238b06727f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,002 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-08781f92-e118-467b-b679-
> 30f5b44c28ce
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 08781f92-e118-467b-b679-30f5b44c28ce with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,004 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-09319934-1ba8-4c1d-a985-
> 7c89daa1dec9
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 09319934-1ba8-4c1d-a985-7c89daa1dec9 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,005 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-09dbd57d-5cfc-4e70-bcf3-
> 55d5ba946980
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 09dbd57d-5cfc-4e70-bcf3-55d5ba946980 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,007 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0aa82678-c07f-4e39-b2e9-
> d3213f32ad54
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0aa82678-c07f-4e39-b2e9-d3213f32ad54 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,008 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0c035e03-0041-4863-a818-
> 533d3cf86622
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0c035e03-0041-4863-a818-533d3cf86622 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,010 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0ca5f901-eb42-4d2c-ac87-
> 605f6922ac88
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0ca5f901-eb42-4d2c-ac87-605f6922ac88 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,011 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0f515cb6-2cd2-47dc-966c-
> fe58f438942c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0f515cb6-2cd2-47dc-966c-fe58f438942c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,013 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-0f8e7d7d-d327-449f-9fe8-
> 4d1885b26c26
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 0f8e7d7d-d327-449f-9fe8-4d1885b26c26 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,014 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-11f3bbb6-e6fa-4cc8-9a33-
> 9a9cf36cc5ff
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 11f3bbb6-e6fa-4cc8-9a33-9a9cf36cc5ff with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,016 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-13cd323f-a81e-47e5-ad5a-
> b4c56a480b3c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 13cd323f-a81e-47e5-ad5a-b4c56a480b3c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,018 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-1616dda3-7252-40f4-8f0e-
> f901ac213697
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 1616dda3-7252-40f4-8f0e-f901ac213697 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,019 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-19bb9dee-774e-4100-aed3-
> 36193e366ec3
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 19bb9dee-774e-4100-aed3-36193e366ec3 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,021 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-1b96b4de-d294-45b4-b448-
> 0cd55a3975e8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 1b96b4de-d294-45b4-b448-0cd55a3975e8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,022 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-1bd77c97-6d39-4162-b849-
> a64f2827d786
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 1bd77c97-6d39-4162-b849-a64f2827d786 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,024 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-1c3f945e-aa09-4577-af5a-
> b59bd78335ce
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 1c3f945e-aa09-4577-af5a-b59bd78335ce with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,026 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-1ca136c3-a0ed-443d-b3bd-
> 1577bad580e2
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 1ca136c3-a0ed-443d-b3bd-1577bad580e2 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,027 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-1d4f62f9-b369-44e2-b5f3-
> 6f643af562b4
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 1d4f62f9-b369-44e2-b5f3-6f643af562b4 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,029 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-1d7a61ef-2797-4d82-a2f9-
> 11527a3be31c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 1d7a61ef-2797-4d82-a2f9-11527a3be31c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,030 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-1e6dae3f-c2b3-409c-9bd2-
> eaa0c5f6cbd0
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 1e6dae3f-c2b3-409c-9bd2-eaa0c5f6cbd0 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,032 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2065408d-630f-436c-9497-
> bb6b23a5044d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2065408d-630f-436c-9497-bb6b23a5044d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,034 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-21c2876e-dcee-4d94-a5bd-
> 775292b45afe
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 21c2876e-dcee-4d94-a5bd-775292b45afe with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,035 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-21c8c5a4-61f4-4ae0-92fe-
> 0ad88e3d5f9c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 21c8c5a4-61f4-4ae0-92fe-0ad88e3d5f9c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,037 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2234a377-24f9-4b3b-9b91-
> 62e9147f7e39
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2234a377-24f9-4b3b-9b91-62e9147f7e39 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,038 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2301d8a7-472e-48ff-b291-
> d2b852548ecc
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2301d8a7-472e-48ff-b291-d2b852548ecc with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,040 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2365aa22-b220-4bc4-90bb-
> 92eafb3625c2
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2365aa22-b220-4bc4-90bb-92eafb3625c2 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,042 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-238f2da5-a9f9-4d51-90f8-
> d0861bac579b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 238f2da5-a9f9-4d51-90f8-d0861bac579b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,043 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-24e37520-df75-44a8-bc02-
> 552725440a0d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 24e37520-df75-44a8-bc02-552725440a0d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,044 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-25cad77f-9359-467e-ac75-
> b25a21e905ae
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 25cad77f-9359-467e-ac75-b25a21e905ae with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,046 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-260d24c8-55dc-4780-a5bf-
> 6f4991df858a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 260d24c8-55dc-4780-a5bf-6f4991df858a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,048 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-263acf42-a7ef-4947-9515-
> 474d2fdf2698
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 263acf42-a7ef-4947-9515-474d2fdf2698 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,050 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-275eeac7-f3ab-473a-bd63-
> 263577f36b20
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 275eeac7-f3ab-473a-bd63-263577f36b20 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,051 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-27d0b1ce-5e05-4478-b333-
> 65947b64f560
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 27d0b1ce-5e05-4478-b333-65947b64f560 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,053 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-280182ac-ab1f-4ff3-a793-
> 6a4bfd6c6288
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 280182ac-ab1f-4ff3-a793-6a4bfd6c6288 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,055 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-28f7311b-28af-402b-a620-
> 02f9a9c82049
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 28f7311b-28af-402b-a620-02f9a9c82049 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,057 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2905e5ed-d81c-4ba6-b6a1-
> 077a9fd9e1c8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2905e5ed-d81c-4ba6-b6a1-077a9fd9e1c8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,058 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-29cec5bc-737a-4a70-8f2b-
> ed88f3df6810
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 29cec5bc-737a-4a70-8f2b-ed88f3df6810 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,060 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2a60affd-6e5c-4f81-b147-
> 4509b7df09f8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2a60affd-6e5c-4f81-b147-4509b7df09f8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,061 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2aa1aa69-2710-4afe-bf08-
> 7b93d4d6fb04
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2aa1aa69-2710-4afe-bf08-7b93d4d6fb04 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,063 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2b75d0e0-86b8-4d2c-a80d-
> c8fda4a45bf7
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2b75d0e0-86b8-4d2c-a80d-c8fda4a45bf7 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,065 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2bbf38fa-d255-4029-bf5a-
> 3958e8b258d3
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2bbf38fa-d255-4029-bf5a-3958e8b258d3 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,067 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2cd4e002-ae92-4cad-806c-
> ccd4ae5afe1b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2cd4e002-ae92-4cad-806c-ccd4ae5afe1b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,069 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2dd2a18a-4c48-40fe-865e-
> b06a2674ec3d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2dd2a18a-4c48-40fe-865e-b06a2674ec3d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,071 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2f94fdb1-f0c1-4181-be23-
> 64d46471b833
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2f94fdb1-f0c1-4181-be23-64d46471b833 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,073 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-2ff87b50-deba-4a4e-8099-
> 8f5026c068f6
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 2ff87b50-deba-4a4e-8099-8f5026c068f6 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,075 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-30c73fdf-00ba-4afe-a39d-
> 7a42a198a6aa
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 30c73fdf-00ba-4afe-a39d-7a42a198a6aa with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,076 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-30dc1a5b-9176-4a28-8cd0-
> 2433887b905c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 30dc1a5b-9176-4a28-8cd0-2433887b905c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,078 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-3111bb1b-5ab9-4592-9887-
> 4ed719acf262
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 3111bb1b-5ab9-4592-9887-4ed719acf262 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,080 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-31a01a48-a0aa-4a3a-ac2e-
> cb5853bee7dd
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 31a01a48-a0aa-4a3a-ac2e-cb5853bee7dd with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,082 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-31c8f074-2867-4f5b-948f-
> 9780f9428a2f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 31c8f074-2867-4f5b-948f-9780f9428a2f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,083 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-31cbfb34-3b6f-4748-a733-
> c1ee11393050
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 31cbfb34-3b6f-4748-a733-c1ee11393050 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,084 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-32ab1459-f864-4f3a-ae5e-
> eddff5d1b037
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 32ab1459-f864-4f3a-ae5e-eddff5d1b037 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,086 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-336572b4-6eab-407a-ab0d-
> dcdcf1aeeb75
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 336572b4-6eab-407a-ab0d-dcdcf1aeeb75 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,088 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-338ee7b1-9afb-42fa-80b8-
> d8058c12dc99
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 338ee7b1-9afb-42fa-80b8-d8058c12dc99 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,089 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-3563c04a-830d-4352-828f-
> e15aacdc23d5
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 3563c04a-830d-4352-828f-e15aacdc23d5 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,091 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-3570db79-11fa-455f-b381-
> 1a2a41458aca
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 3570db79-11fa-455f-b381-1a2a41458aca with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,093 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-359b1a50-f106-4c96-b8ce-
> 7e30e033d00f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 359b1a50-f106-4c96-b8ce-7e30e033d00f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,094 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-360afc15-385f-48dc-a93d-
> 141cec0ca73a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 360afc15-385f-48dc-a93d-141cec0ca73a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,096 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-37c9d41d-3b8f-4bc5-9746-
> 66024a96b2f6
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 37c9d41d-3b8f-4bc5-9746-66024a96b2f6 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,098 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-38b54e73-6e6b-4343-ae88-
> 5ee333f0dc0b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 38b54e73-6e6b-4343-ae88-5ee333f0dc0b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,100 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-38d6d3ca-42dc-4067-8fe5-
> d2c542ae3965
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 38d6d3ca-42dc-4067-8fe5-d2c542ae3965 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,102 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-3928310d-a3a8-435f-845c-
> 445d0bb83594
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 3928310d-a3a8-435f-845c-445d0bb83594 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,104 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-3ab8e761-17ba-4497-ae39-
> 43d0c63868df
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 3ab8e761-17ba-4497-ae39-43d0c63868df with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,106 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-3cefd012-59fc-40d9-9df5-
> a32be4203f93
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 3cefd012-59fc-40d9-9df5-a32be4203f93 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,107 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-3ead6dda-6b5d-4891-b40b-
> 38bc98a6fefd
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 3ead6dda-6b5d-4891-b40b-38bc98a6fefd with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,109 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4167ee18-f81c-4705-a10a-
> 8b262ba70600
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4167ee18-f81c-4705-a10a-8b262ba70600 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,110 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-427ee12e-7f55-4562-9a88-
> 75715ccc7361
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 427ee12e-7f55-4562-9a88-75715ccc7361 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,112 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-440dd4ad-2649-4b9a-a9ba-
> a2f3419ddd43
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 440dd4ad-2649-4b9a-a9ba-a2f3419ddd43 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,113 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4488a33c-84e8-4991-ad56-
> a75efb8c7906
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4488a33c-84e8-4991-ad56-a75efb8c7906 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,115 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-44e49c15-73ff-4bb0-a48b-
> 2cda7e50a0c4
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 44e49c15-73ff-4bb0-a48b-2cda7e50a0c4 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,116 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-45c7e219-669f-4a55-824b-
> 87eee7b5b814
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 45c7e219-669f-4a55-824b-87eee7b5b814 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,118 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-45dbfd9e-770e-4957-a4cf-
> 6d592190f23e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 45dbfd9e-770e-4957-a4cf-6d592190f23e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,119 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-466fe869-9162-43e1-92b9-
> 305a61eab716
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 466fe869-9162-43e1-92b9-305a61eab716 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,121 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-468c7181-ea24-40b3-bd38-
> 1a53a4b63951
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 468c7181-ea24-40b3-bd38-1a53a4b63951 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,122 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-478d7b7c-7736-4ac4-a983-
> fc439cfa0c2c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 478d7b7c-7736-4ac4-a983-fc439cfa0c2c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,124 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-48710ffe-7025-434a-a4db-
> 6ce7a70f2ddd
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 48710ffe-7025-434a-a4db-6ce7a70f2ddd with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,125 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-48a990a5-0d26-45a2-a8c7-
> a37deb3a24d0
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 48a990a5-0d26-45a2-a8c7-a37deb3a24d0 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,127 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-496bac80-81f3-457c-9fab-
> 726897113983
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 496bac80-81f3-457c-9fab-726897113983 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,128 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4a3baf08-5015-499d-b99e-
> 7fbf26aa4c25
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4a3baf08-5015-499d-b99e-7fbf26aa4c25 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,130 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4b18aa54-f5a4-4c13-87a7-
> 0eb36080ac11
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4b18aa54-f5a4-4c13-87a7-0eb36080ac11 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,131 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4bed5a1b-34bf-4d18-b5af-
> e5169cd632e6
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4bed5a1b-34bf-4d18-b5af-e5169cd632e6 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,133 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4cbfd725-0ac3-4eb1-90f6-
> e40712d301f9
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4cbfd725-0ac3-4eb1-90f6-e40712d301f9 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,134 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4d9d6c06-cada-4642-b150-
> fa65e3d3a195
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4d9d6c06-cada-4642-b150-fa65e3d3a195 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,136 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4e154cdd-11c0-4ad9-877d-
> 74e8a5e4ec1c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4e154cdd-11c0-4ad9-877d-74e8a5e4ec1c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,137 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4e71cda5-06f9-4231-a73b-
> 3e517232416e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4e71cda5-06f9-4231-a73b-3e517232416e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,139 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4ea76e32-d229-4d48-9c0d-
> 7c0b884c4fa2
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4ea76e32-d229-4d48-9c0d-7c0b884c4fa2 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,140 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4eb44036-6f42-4a51-ae1f-
> 4b8919879176
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4eb44036-6f42-4a51-ae1f-4b8919879176 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,142 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4ec1bada-fed2-46c0-913a-
> f11c081d8524
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 4ec1bada-fed2-46c0-913a-f11c081d8524 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,143 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-501aba42-fce7-4a20-8393-
> bf739cbb06f7
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 501aba42-fce7-4a20-8393-bf739cbb06f7 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,145 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5030a536-7d23-49d7-b3c7-
> b505be384728
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5030a536-7d23-49d7-b3c7-b505be384728 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,147 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-504566f9-3279-45ad-9841-
> 12110be80500
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 504566f9-3279-45ad-9841-12110be80500 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,148 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5269d227-f4e6-4d21-8bb6-
> 3116e6a151db
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5269d227-f4e6-4d21-8bb6-3116e6a151db with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,150 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5442aaf7-5edf-4c5a-b04d-
> 7cae9c6a1654
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5442aaf7-5edf-4c5a-b04d-7cae9c6a1654 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,152 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5547ae9a-2562-4b2b-9e2d-
> 7e25955007a9
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5547ae9a-2562-4b2b-9e2d-7e25955007a9 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,154 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-55c82677-4a5a-4fcd-866d-
> 477198ed7318
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 55c82677-4a5a-4fcd-866d-477198ed7318 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,156 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-563f9fc0-f1c5-48df-b920-
> c613e24158e5
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 563f9fc0-f1c5-48df-b920-c613e24158e5 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,157 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-566bdd69-73b3-4354-8e8b-
> 1e175dbe5a5b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 566bdd69-73b3-4354-8e8b-1e175dbe5a5b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,159 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-57657005-acf4-4e0a-86e7-
> fc2ff299d9a1
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 57657005-acf4-4e0a-86e7-fc2ff299d9a1 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,160 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-58be5c9c-ba30-4f04-ae88-
> f97e02f9f67a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 58be5c9c-ba30-4f04-ae88-f97e02f9f67a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,162 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5a2d0e59-bad0-4066-82e8-
> a8279ecd6e1c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5a2d0e59-bad0-4066-82e8-a8279ecd6e1c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,164 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5a4dd33d-9ac1-4d90-9895-
> 970b0e6c606d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5a4dd33d-9ac1-4d90-9895-970b0e6c606d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,165 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5b369251-bc41-4592-8819-
> 5d76e7e7a397
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5b369251-bc41-4592-8819-5d76e7e7a397 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,167 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5b5855f5-e5bf-4c03-9692-
> 0e20d496bad2
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5b5855f5-e5bf-4c03-9692-0e20d496bad2 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,168 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5bfc8c66-836a-471b-b40f-
> 5ff511b9c3fe
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5bfc8c66-836a-471b-b40f-5ff511b9c3fe with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,170 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5c428195-1dd8-4a89-8626-
> bbaef353fc33
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5c428195-1dd8-4a89-8626-bbaef353fc33 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,172 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5c65f9f0-b7bf-42cf-b106-
> 20027c3b0e96
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5c65f9f0-b7bf-42cf-b106-20027c3b0e96 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,173 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5c90e580-1fd7-4535-afd7-
> be13f58eca41
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5c90e580-1fd7-4535-afd7-be13f58eca41 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,175 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5c93bc22-ac36-4b9e-8a4d-
> 3be4f138ce19
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5c93bc22-ac36-4b9e-8a4d-3be4f138ce19 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,177 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5cb2d3bc-2b47-41df-9a36-
> 0cb9f9a566cc
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5cb2d3bc-2b47-41df-9a36-0cb9f9a566cc with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,178 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5cc56c00-402d-42de-a2b7-
> 862af07ec483
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5cc56c00-402d-42de-a2b7-862af07ec483 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,180 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5d5baf8d-19b7-43ce-a8f8-
> a08bbe0d4979
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5d5baf8d-19b7-43ce-a8f8-a08bbe0d4979 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,182 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5d8d8106-6a1d-4a74-920e-
> a77743a834d7
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5d8d8106-6a1d-4a74-920e-a77743a834d7 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,183 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5ec96660-9ca0-4a11-add8-
> eb16a5c41e83
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5ec96660-9ca0-4a11-add8-eb16a5c41e83 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,185 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5eeec8d0-7052-4fc9-959e-
> 6224742eec76
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5eeec8d0-7052-4fc9-959e-6224742eec76 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,187 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5f47a3f3-a32c-44b1-865f-
> c4e1af336ca8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5f47a3f3-a32c-44b1-865f-c4e1af336ca8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,189 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5f820b43-fcb0-4363-b519-
> d14b2a7af6c8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 5f820b43-fcb0-4363-b519-d14b2a7af6c8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,191 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-604948bd-1cb3-4169-84c4-
> c800e5391a33
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 604948bd-1cb3-4169-84c4-c800e5391a33 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,192 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-61d3d7dc-e8db-451a-9cfa-
> d0ce1d6df66f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 61d3d7dc-e8db-451a-9cfa-d0ce1d6df66f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,194 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-629db13c-1e58-4f28-9def-
> 5b5547cbf7a2
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 629db13c-1e58-4f28-9def-5b5547cbf7a2 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,195 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-62e1fb6a-2d4d-4b02-aa3d-
> d8711473cf56
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 62e1fb6a-2d4d-4b02-aa3d-d8711473cf56 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,197 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6310634a-5592-41ba-8674-
> a2f11a9c2b13
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6310634a-5592-41ba-8674-a2f11a9c2b13 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,198 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-
> fbed446f7b5b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 63afefb3-bada-4e64-93a9-fbed446f7b5b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,200 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6664c7d3-93a3-4a68-ab58-
> 421a93b19de4
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6664c7d3-93a3-4a68-ab58-421a93b19de4 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,201 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6706df7a-9da7-44c6-96aa-
> eed16f5ea4f3
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6706df7a-9da7-44c6-96aa-eed16f5ea4f3 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,203 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-67efc38c-8c69-472d-87bc-
> 19f2a21f0e1b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 67efc38c-8c69-472d-87bc-19f2a21f0e1b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,204 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-68916ffd-d6ad-479a-ba11-
> 777d109d8942
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 68916ffd-d6ad-479a-ba11-777d109d8942 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,206 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-68cd3b1d-4eda-4b98-b4a2-
> 873fcbe01039
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 68cd3b1d-4eda-4b98-b4a2-873fcbe01039 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,207 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-68ebb3ad-80b2-40b1-9f4f-
> 4e80bca2636f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 68ebb3ad-80b2-40b1-9f4f-4e80bca2636f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,209 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-69b33c9a-137c-49c7-b7fa-
> 58f064b87bad
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 69b33c9a-137c-49c7-b7fa-58f064b87bad with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,211 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6b0014b6-df84-42a4-be11-
> be3a9677601d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6b0014b6-df84-42a4-be11-be3a9677601d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,213 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6b19a6ee-b4c4-4c98-a346-
> aca83788ca5d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6b19a6ee-b4c4-4c98-a346-aca83788ca5d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,214 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6b2fdc2b-0360-4253-b4e8-
> 5ce21e7cdffa
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6b2fdc2b-0360-4253-b4e8-5ce21e7cdffa with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,216 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6b39e0da-db81-4739-9a26-
> d1d29676014e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6b39e0da-db81-4739-9a26-d1d29676014e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,218 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6b6775fc-b943-44f8-a1a4-
> f2da3500b7b5
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6b6775fc-b943-44f8-a1a4-f2da3500b7b5 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,220 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6bd91b5e-817b-44cd-85c0-
> 54afdd6a81e3
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6bd91b5e-817b-44cd-85c0-54afdd6a81e3 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,221 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6c888d37-b383-47e9-93fc-
> 39924c267448
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6c888d37-b383-47e9-93fc-39924c267448 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,223 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6d27e99e-5d02-4654-a6f4-
> 1cb495cc7592
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6d27e99e-5d02-4654-a6f4-1cb495cc7592 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,225 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6d8aaed6-6f85-4640-a973-
> 385c86d2de28
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6d8aaed6-6f85-4640-a973-385c86d2de28 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,226 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6dd80d61-f600-45de-b25e-
> 46bb316e726e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6dd80d61-f600-45de-b25e-46bb316e726e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,228 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6f120f2c-479c-4f31-8425-
> 04be6b398bb9
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6f120f2c-479c-4f31-8425-04be6b398bb9 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,229 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6f4f5f59-070a-4043-9e81-
> fc231784558a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6f4f5f59-070a-4043-9e81-fc231784558a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,231 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6fe6c412-96a2-406f-ae5a-
> b45ae46cfa4c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 6fe6c412-96a2-406f-ae5a-b45ae46cfa4c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,232 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-703a8b2e-9c85-441f-9127-
> 53c3bf373c8b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 703a8b2e-9c85-441f-9127-53c3bf373c8b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,234 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7091edcf-ce11-47fd-a543-
> 327819ca783f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7091edcf-ce11-47fd-a543-327819ca783f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,235 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-70ed15e9-55f5-4b10-8f73-
> 4a267c7f669d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 70ed15e9-55f5-4b10-8f73-4a267c7f669d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,237 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-72123e4d-797f-41b7-be5e-
> 65f0f8c8e06c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 72123e4d-797f-41b7-be5e-65f0f8c8e06c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,239 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7478652a-01b1-49cf-892c-
> 1d8bc61e05ea
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7478652a-01b1-49cf-892c-1d8bc61e05ea with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,241 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-75426a10-5f81-4121-bb1b-
> 56c136b3ad98
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 75426a10-5f81-4121-bb1b-56c136b3ad98 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,242 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-75730e5a-ef91-45d1-ba28-
> 603756b91f5b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 75730e5a-ef91-45d1-ba28-603756b91f5b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,244 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-75ce1777-f434-493b-979a-
> 783afb8077b0
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 75ce1777-f434-493b-979a-783afb8077b0 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,246 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7682d111-b876-422e-80a3-
> b12f477fe622
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7682d111-b876-422e-80a3-b12f477fe622 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,248 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-79311516-d34c-40c5-bf78-
> 0960a4db7128
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 79311516-d34c-40c5-bf78-0960a4db7128 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,250 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-799bf38c-8c71-4510-a499-
> ed3a5a4b4197
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 799bf38c-8c71-4510-a499-ed3a5a4b4197 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,252 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7bcfe2b3-3ea4-46da-b068-
> 251171c4f0b1
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7bcfe2b3-3ea4-46da-b068-251171c4f0b1 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,254 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7c6669ca-3879-471c-a3f5-
> 3f6b10d62c55
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7c6669ca-3879-471c-a3f5-3f6b10d62c55 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,256 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7ca78719-2ca3-401f-96d7-
> 253de8daf43e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7ca78719-2ca3-401f-96d7-253de8daf43e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,257 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7cfdf502-c913-428f-b858-
> 7a8b63ac1899
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7cfdf502-c913-428f-b858-7a8b63ac1899 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,259 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7d7f413f-4efa-4520-abca-
> 2714b879bb72
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7d7f413f-4efa-4520-abca-2714b879bb72 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,260 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7f7d6c2f-03b9-4333-875a-
> fb7a77beeea2
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7f7d6c2f-03b9-4333-875a-fb7a77beeea2 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,262 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7fa1ce18-4560-46b2-a1d7-
> 5ae3c610280f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7fa1ce18-4560-46b2-a1d7-5ae3c610280f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,264 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7fc0d308-419b-4915-b9e8-
> 222f6cdd05e5
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7fc0d308-419b-4915-b9e8-222f6cdd05e5 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,266 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-7ff22c91-e639-4a5b-9609-
> 085e5398cea4
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 7ff22c91-e639-4a5b-9609-085e5398cea4 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,267 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-80f589ec-9990-4508-b40c-
> bdfd5e6e3932
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 80f589ec-9990-4508-b40c-bdfd5e6e3932 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,270 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-815d332a-fd3d-445c-9681-
> 8cfeff2931db
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 815d332a-fd3d-445c-9681-8cfeff2931db with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,271 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-821a328c-2b74-4c07-b7bd-
> cdf1deaf8bd7
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 821a328c-2b74-4c07-b7bd-cdf1deaf8bd7 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,274 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-82ca083c-f4d6-4a92-9c25-
> 52fff509fe69
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 82ca083c-f4d6-4a92-9c25-52fff509fe69 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,276 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8312d016-39a7-48f9-a1b4-
> 51dbbc02345d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8312d016-39a7-48f9-a1b4-51dbbc02345d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,278 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-83b033a6-b0c2-489e-a124-
> e50aceafaacc
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 83b033a6-b0c2-489e-a124-e50aceafaacc with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,279 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-840c3f4c-b013-438f-8b43-
> 2bd1d1666a8e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 840c3f4c-b013-438f-8b43-2bd1d1666a8e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,282 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8433e902-c220-47f6-9704-
> b696f63c12bd
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8433e902-c220-47f6-9704-b696f63c12bd with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,283 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-84a1b524-221f-42a9-9ce1-
> 1e0ebe16c6fa
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 84a1b524-221f-42a9-9ce1-1e0ebe16c6fa with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,285 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8551d686-2625-4434-bd7a-
> 24404b8afd49
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8551d686-2625-4434-bd7a-24404b8afd49 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,287 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-86439100-8af6-4582-ad4b-
> 59eee1f2187c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 86439100-8af6-4582-ad4b-59eee1f2187c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,288 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-86fc7a2f-94fa-4793-a4cf-
> 5468d607370c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 86fc7a2f-94fa-4793-a4cf-5468d607370c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,290 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-870acb6b-4ac3-4ba2-bbe9-
> 519c71b2bb1f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 870acb6b-4ac3-4ba2-bbe9-519c71b2bb1f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,291 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8755de2e-ae59-45d3-98b7-
> 53e01759a547
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8755de2e-ae59-45d3-98b7-53e01759a547 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,293 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-88c9c611-9ebf-4a00-9d21-
> 823f60d995b5
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 88c9c611-9ebf-4a00-9d21-823f60d995b5 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,294 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8b4b72f7-825a-448c-a02b-
> 154b4903373f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8b4b72f7-825a-448c-a02b-154b4903373f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,296 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8c055345-4497-48a5-a88d-
> a49b01430247
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8c055345-4497-48a5-a88d-a49b01430247 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,297 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8d14fe79-3dec-4729-bb03-
> 2b064bfd0433
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8d14fe79-3dec-4729-bb03-2b064bfd0433 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,299 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8d44e08e-1474-4315-9cf8-
> d38ec01da174
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8d44e08e-1474-4315-9cf8-d38ec01da174 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,300 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8dc74917-2b67-4a8f-91c8-
> e5650b4d2932
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8dc74917-2b67-4a8f-91c8-e5650b4d2932 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,301 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8e4ce0af-4f81-495e-b382-
> 0356710eb4ec
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8e4ce0af-4f81-495e-b382-0356710eb4ec with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,303 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8e53ceb2-8197-44fd-b346-
> 89687bd0c49f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8e53ceb2-8197-44fd-b346-89687bd0c49f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,304 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8e65a6b3-1704-48b8-ac35-
> 0faf63ccc379
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8e65a6b3-1704-48b8-ac35-0faf63ccc379 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,306 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8e843936-e340-4043-a4ba-
> 905a2d2a8007
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8e843936-e340-4043-a4ba-905a2d2a8007 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,307 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-8f16cd75-1055-48a6-98d8-
> 722ddb804a56
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 8f16cd75-1055-48a6-98d8-722ddb804a56 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,309 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-91c214b7-48c9-4519-a120-
> 278689a7982e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 91c214b7-48c9-4519-a120-278689a7982e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,310 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-920e678b-af6e-423c-be52-
> 22cbeaece24b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 920e678b-af6e-423c-be52-22cbeaece24b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,312 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-93962b90-4005-447b-bb66-
> 1a634f7d8f3b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 93962b90-4005-447b-bb66-1a634f7d8f3b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,313 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-94274cb5-3f62-4ab0-8a9c-
> 47540e3185ea
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 94274cb5-3f62-4ab0-8a9c-47540e3185ea with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,315 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-945c5c96-8698-48c1-9ce2-
> f891c872affe
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 945c5c96-8698-48c1-9ce2-f891c872affe with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,316 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-94700151-5bca-4f33-820c-
> 24b3d3a83198
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 94700151-5bca-4f33-820c-24b3d3a83198 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,318 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-95581aec-d992-4ca0-af1a-
> e0667d601031
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 95581aec-d992-4ca0-af1a-e0667d601031 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,319 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-95810a7b-01cf-481a-a5e7-
> 867a1525e1d3
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 95810a7b-01cf-481a-a5e7-867a1525e1d3 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,320 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-95aa7753-a399-43ac-b53e-
> 0c09bcf9c085
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 95aa7753-a399-43ac-b53e-0c09bcf9c085 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,322 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-967514aa-c192-4a53-9dbf-
> 769ee05a023b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 967514aa-c192-4a53-9dbf-769ee05a023b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,324 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-96c4163f-5b96-4030-832e-
> 2c5e39df4503
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 96c4163f-5b96-4030-832e-2c5e39df4503 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,325 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-9901e29b-0ac6-4ed4-87cb-
> e738dfb037cb
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 9901e29b-0ac6-4ed4-87cb-e738dfb037cb with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,326 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-9be5a8a6-c500-4293-8989-
> e6a2477bf3c7
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 9be5a8a6-c500-4293-8989-e6a2477bf3c7 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,328 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-9c6d762e-9901-40c0-aa62-
> 6af35041465b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 9c6d762e-9901-40c0-aa62-6af35041465b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,330 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-9d3284e8-34f4-42e8-811c-
> 58e93df5a43c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 9d3284e8-34f4-42e8-811c-58e93df5a43c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,332 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-9e155376-b4a1-438f-a2a8-
> 2ce45d24b6ef
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 9e155376-b4a1-438f-a2a8-2ce45d24b6ef with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,334 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-9e74f52b-3d9e-41ba-a1a0-
> 6833968b3dc1
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 9e74f52b-3d9e-41ba-a1a0-6833968b3dc1 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,336 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-9ec23ecb-c447-447d-8b70-
> 16cd2abbc99d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > 9ec23ecb-c447-447d-8b70-16cd2abbc99d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,338 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a10d1362-c49b-48df-a9b5-
> 84bd6a9b5c98
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a10d1362-c49b-48df-a9b5-84bd6a9b5c98 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,339 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a17a3cad-bdba-49a4-af5a-
> 7b8467963b0b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a17a3cad-bdba-49a4-af5a-7b8467963b0b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,341 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a25ce012-ceb7-4f12-abdd-
> 5e9ec5888850
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a25ce012-ceb7-4f12-abdd-5e9ec5888850 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,343 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a284fce9-6aee-4880-b149-
> 26c12410683a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a284fce9-6aee-4880-b149-26c12410683a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,345 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a29000da-7dd8-4789-8003-
> c4b34db7da85
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a29000da-7dd8-4789-8003-c4b34db7da85 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,347 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a2fbb12e-7c53-4dc4-926b-
> 59224e8d34d3
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a2fbb12e-7c53-4dc4-926b-59224e8d34d3 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,349 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a35801f1-4635-44a6-aa08-
> 87eb60809126
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a35801f1-4635-44a6-aa08-87eb60809126 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,351 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a375cd59-51ce-47c9-b0a6-
> 3950553423c4
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a375cd59-51ce-47c9-b0a6-3950553423c4 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,353 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a4d18ebe-762f-42ef-80c2-
> 85f301f74185
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a4d18ebe-762f-42ef-80c2-85f301f74185 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,355 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a53c17f5-2596-43c6-b6e3-
> c6fc8a4a967d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a53c17f5-2596-43c6-b6e3-c6fc8a4a967d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,356 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a5ef5f4d-f6a3-4696-972a-
> d4c8f5fce069
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a5ef5f4d-f6a3-4696-972a-d4c8f5fce069 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,358 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a64fb66f-8534-41f1-a0d8-
> 42411f94eeb6
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a64fb66f-8534-41f1-a0d8-42411f94eeb6 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,360 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a6640c74-44b0-4745-9c83-
> 3bbeed9c060f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a6640c74-44b0-4745-9c83-3bbeed9c060f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,361 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a6692955-d3d6-4e57-a6a6-
> 0e369ebbdc4e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a6692955-d3d6-4e57-a6a6-0e369ebbdc4e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,364 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a66fb271-eac8-42d2-ac28-
> aa4c73382fc1
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a66fb271-eac8-42d2-ac28-aa4c73382fc1 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,366 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a67523fb-d349-4aed-9681-
> a5e29d79734a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a67523fb-d349-4aed-9681-a5e29d79734a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,367 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a67b9c61-ea56-4d7f-8f2e-
> a46b8fa5f600
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a67b9c61-ea56-4d7f-8f2e-a46b8fa5f600 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,369 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a6bc2052-52db-4230-9cba-
> 8cb116345451
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a6bc2052-52db-4230-9cba-8cb116345451 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,371 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a71d699a-7cde-419f-9851-
> 3bd9cae86654
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a71d699a-7cde-419f-9851-3bd9cae86654 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,372 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a784dd17-2da9-495e-9909-
> e8063579c43f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a784dd17-2da9-495e-9909-e8063579c43f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,374 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a7bbae12-da7a-4e30-beff-
> 85db5a71f299
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a7bbae12-da7a-4e30-beff-85db5a71f299 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,375 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a80acbe1-5780-4f01-88e4-
> c73c1c694cd0
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a80acbe1-5780-4f01-88e4-c73c1c694cd0 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,377 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a869c4ec-8c19-43fe-a54f-
> 80e75feadd24
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a869c4ec-8c19-43fe-a54f-80e75feadd24 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,378 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a8a7b3ba-0653-44af-9f2f-
> ef51c0186f65
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a8a7b3ba-0653-44af-9f2f-ef51c0186f65 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,380 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a8ce2a55-6fe6-4491-84eb-
> ed803d9f9659
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a8ce2a55-6fe6-4491-84eb-ed803d9f9659 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,381 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-a9ca1026-e8e2-4230-a520-
> f113e28fd989
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > a9ca1026-e8e2-4230-a520-f113e28fd989 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,382 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ab383e4d-a199-4159-9e2b-
> d017357b9b0e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ab383e4d-a199-4159-9e2b-d017357b9b0e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,384 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-aba55698-0b81-4d36-bf70-
> 1bc306956fab
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > aba55698-0b81-4d36-bf70-1bc306956fab with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,385 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ac8af099-16f7-421d-86af-
> 583edd34c2c8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ac8af099-16f7-421d-86af-583edd34c2c8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,387 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ad43b97a-e13b-48d7-a1b7-
> ff1226d2ab1d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ad43b97a-e13b-48d7-a1b7-ff1226d2ab1d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,388 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ad5cee0a-31c0-4ecb-a713-
> 5d66a182d8ab
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ad5cee0a-31c0-4ecb-a713-5d66a182d8ab with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,390 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-af65a9e1-a440-4ae4-b0a4-
> 36fd63cfaec2
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > af65a9e1-a440-4ae4-b0a4-36fd63cfaec2 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,391 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b0e465bb-ff12-410e-a406-
> 42ecb4392f5c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b0e465bb-ff12-410e-a406-42ecb4392f5c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,393 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b2cfd821-4a43-4166-8721-
> 27ab288fa11e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b2cfd821-4a43-4166-8721-27ab288fa11e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,394 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b2d26527-f38c-4023-a67f-
> f7997a081459
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b2d26527-f38c-4023-a67f-f7997a081459 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,396 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b399ad2f-4aee-4251-83be-
> dbe714ef9b5d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b399ad2f-4aee-4251-83be-dbe714ef9b5d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,398 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b50bffcb-0ba6-4c2b-9f9b-
> 82b661560670
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b50bffcb-0ba6-4c2b-9f9b-82b661560670 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,399 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b53118e2-4ca4-48c4-ac89-
> 69dfb89504ed
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b53118e2-4ca4-48c4-ac89-69dfb89504ed with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,401 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b58eb8f3-2453-4ac4-a988-
> 287723523257
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b58eb8f3-2453-4ac4-a988-287723523257 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,402 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b5fe0b4f-28ba-4e0b-8d1f-
> 55aba71a9916
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b5fe0b4f-28ba-4e0b-8d1f-55aba71a9916 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,404 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b71464a4-c280-4fa1-b18b-
> 6c316b5ac67e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b71464a4-c280-4fa1-b18b-6c316b5ac67e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,405 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b7302e6f-addd-4dd7-975c-
> d402b6aa1e4c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b7302e6f-addd-4dd7-975c-d402b6aa1e4c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,407 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b789ad94-8a59-49ac-87fc-
> 392144059557
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b789ad94-8a59-49ac-87fc-392144059557 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,408 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b86c04c1-0169-4a66-8844-
> 22f3ff2fd9fc
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b86c04c1-0169-4a66-8844-22f3ff2fd9fc with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,410 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-b8b81285-0d93-478d-b9a9-
> 958f6634b0d0
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > b8b81285-0d93-478d-b9a9-958f6634b0d0 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,411 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ba246fda-28a7-4e7c-bf3a-
> 3a8db4c32622
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ba246fda-28a7-4e7c-bf3a-3a8db4c32622 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,413 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-bb3223de-f700-408b-a4e4-
> c5d8137eeb30
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > bb3223de-f700-408b-a4e4-c5d8137eeb30 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,414 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-bcdd1a53-6542-4ab9-b24a-
> 3c0d3a91f408
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > bcdd1a53-6542-4ab9-b24a-3c0d3a91f408 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,416 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-bd9d0d7f-41ca-4edd-971b-
> e8897f03de7a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > bd9d0d7f-41ca-4edd-971b-e8897f03de7a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,418 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-bff4f691-8122-4d30-a592-
> f6e34734c731
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > bff4f691-8122-4d30-a592-f6e34734c731 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,420 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c1836a94-ba3c-4237-a64d-
> 41d8bbdf5b8d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c1836a94-ba3c-4237-a64d-41d8bbdf5b8d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,421 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c199a8b8-ed6e-4161-8b59-
> 1286dc4879ed
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c199a8b8-ed6e-4161-8b59-1286dc4879ed with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,423 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c1aff44b-c992-459d-aef6-
> 718c0ccaf7ce
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c1aff44b-c992-459d-aef6-718c0ccaf7ce with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,425 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c1b9163f-db62-4ebc-8991-
> f57819a33385
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c1b9163f-db62-4ebc-8991-f57819a33385 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,427 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c1cf7694-b253-4e67-9dfc-
> 3503c015f3cb
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c1cf7694-b253-4e67-9dfc-3503c015f3cb with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,429 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c37ed349-0019-4791-b5f5-
> aa204abe7c97
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c37ed349-0019-4791-b5f5-aa204abe7c97 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,431 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c3c8e3e0-5cc1-4610-a75e-
> bd7cefc9132a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c3c8e3e0-5cc1-4610-a75e-bd7cefc9132a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,432 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c3f216b7-f685-4eb5-be99-
> 3f306aee9dab
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c3f216b7-f685-4eb5-be99-3f306aee9dab with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,434 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c43b5398-1072-4f71-bd0b-
> b63d775848aa
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c43b5398-1072-4f71-bd0b-b63d775848aa with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,436 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c5290c04-8511-4f27-b39e-
> 0205ed51101e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c5290c04-8511-4f27-b39e-0205ed51101e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,437 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c5dbcd23-fe32-4a88-a93b-
> d440adbc9ab7
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c5dbcd23-fe32-4a88-a93b-d440adbc9ab7 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,439 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c6fde4fc-2dad-4483-b022-
> 674c8a713271
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c6fde4fc-2dad-4483-b022-674c8a713271 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,440 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c877cf50-a87b-40f9-ade9-
> 2aaf91f55187
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c877cf50-a87b-40f9-ade9-2aaf91f55187 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,442 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c8b81f0c-69c0-4fda-bd43-
> 439f509fc946
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c8b81f0c-69c0-4fda-bd43-439f509fc946 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,443 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c9cb31ad-898a-4297-9d56-
> 9160c7c5fe43
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c9cb31ad-898a-4297-9d56-9160c7c5fe43 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,445 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-c9f40f27-2fbc-4902-9a50-
> e493912950c9
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > c9f40f27-2fbc-4902-9a50-e493912950c9 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,447 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-cb28343c-ce5b-4e3a-a365-
> ad05cc977a26
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > cb28343c-ce5b-4e3a-a365-ad05cc977a26 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,449 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-cda41cd6-dfac-4fa2-84f9-
> fd32e54328e7
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > cda41cd6-dfac-4fa2-84f9-fd32e54328e7 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,451 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ce079d9f-5ee9-43d9-9a97-
> 394d608d9dda
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ce079d9f-5ee9-43d9-9a97-394d608d9dda with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,453 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ce0d2bfe-4bd1-4389-9f4d-
> 106a4d77344a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ce0d2bfe-4bd1-4389-9f4d-106a4d77344a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,455 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ce9e02f1-5bff-4494-8ff9-
> 0d7445cfa113
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ce9e02f1-5bff-4494-8ff9-0d7445cfa113 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,456 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-cf565259-8cf2-490a-9cdd-
> cae353b02a40
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > cf565259-8cf2-490a-9cdd-cae353b02a40 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,458 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-cfce81d9-6a22-483f-8f75-
> f698acec1c2b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > cfce81d9-6a22-483f-8f75-f698acec1c2b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,459 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d0597a72-5ded-4619-865f-
> 296cb9c827e6
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d0597a72-5ded-4619-865f-296cb9c827e6 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,460 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d0fefc8b-cce1-4e81-ae70-
> 372b79ffdea7
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d0fefc8b-cce1-4e81-ae70-372b79ffdea7 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,462 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d1502bc4-408c-40d7-bbde-
> 2de8d88a2c19
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d1502bc4-408c-40d7-bbde-2de8d88a2c19 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,463 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d1c4c6ab-f093-48f4-a1a6-
> a9f7f3bf44b4
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d1c4c6ab-f093-48f4-a1a6-a9f7f3bf44b4 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,465 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d214f520-7674-4da8-8164-
> e7c9cab52263
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d214f520-7674-4da8-8164-e7c9cab52263 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,466 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d3ba2f44-2cf7-4cd7-981f-
> 75db708850d5
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d3ba2f44-2cf7-4cd7-981f-75db708850d5 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,467 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d444a0a7-c7ed-4f75-a6d0-
> 4d50913dbb52
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d444a0a7-c7ed-4f75-a6d0-4d50913dbb52 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,469 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d4bd0cad-bc75-4d9e-b395-
> 35a5d2e41108
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d4bd0cad-bc75-4d9e-b395-35a5d2e41108 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,470 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d653d73f-ebd7-4476-8a8e-
> f4e628987677
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d653d73f-ebd7-4476-8a8e-f4e628987677 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,471 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d7d61949-4dc6-451d-a9cc-
> e97e6eaccf5c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d7d61949-4dc6-451d-a9cc-e97e6eaccf5c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,473 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d85203cf-5425-4150-bddc-
> a2e1866d4a8e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d85203cf-5425-4150-bddc-a2e1866d4a8e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,474 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d86f3c17-236c-4b32-a864-
> fe97c269652a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d86f3c17-236c-4b32-a864-fe97c269652a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,475 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d87b20e7-7800-43ec-aece-
> aa631bbf2999
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d87b20e7-7800-43ec-aece-aa631bbf2999 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,477 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d8a6cfe8-7abc-41ee-871c-
> 4156abb7e575
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d8a6cfe8-7abc-41ee-871c-4156abb7e575 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,478 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d8f85a14-f131-47ae-86d1-
> 32841710f071
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d8f85a14-f131-47ae-86d1-32841710f071 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,479 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d8f92464-b84a-40e3-b8ed-
> 0ff8e15e6968
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > d8f92464-b84a-40e3-b8ed-0ff8e15e6968 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,480 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-da007736-5477-494f-8c6a-
> a6fc8696a20e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > da007736-5477-494f-8c6a-a6fc8696a20e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,482 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-da8f3d44-5702-41df-a70a-
> 548a69e8f478
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > da8f3d44-5702-41df-a70a-548a69e8f478 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,483 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-db2d36cc-5f68-4176-9021-
> e3695b4ce98e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > db2d36cc-5f68-4176-9021-e3695b4ce98e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,484 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-dcef7321-76bc-4d30-82cb-
> c6fa1a020be8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > dcef7321-76bc-4d30-82cb-c6fa1a020be8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,485 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ddfdb058-f338-4ced-b252-
> 3bb3169280d6
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ddfdb058-f338-4ced-b252-3bb3169280d6 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,487 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-de1abf82-c889-4d02-85c0-
> 9e9c48f108bd
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > de1abf82-c889-4d02-85c0-9e9c48f108bd with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,488 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-de5313b9-1e9e-4fbc-82ed-
> 034f70f129a0
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > de5313b9-1e9e-4fbc-82ed-034f70f129a0 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,489 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-dec2eb8f-e117-493c-b1a5-
> d3434e4c8288
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > dec2eb8f-e117-493c-b1a5-d3434e4c8288 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,490 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e013ae94-693a-4918-9e48-
> 3bfa271fa8cb
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e013ae94-693a-4918-9e48-3bfa271fa8cb with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,492 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e02d46f0-96f5-4312-b141-
> 6e3a92464fa2
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e02d46f0-96f5-4312-b141-6e3a92464fa2 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,493 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e08d9b0b-531e-4ce1-a394-
> f94f5e1d4c25
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e08d9b0b-531e-4ce1-a394-f94f5e1d4c25 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,494 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e124e029-78f4-4886-a5e0-
> 4e9b653ce348
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e124e029-78f4-4886-a5e0-4e9b653ce348 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,495 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e124fede-699d-4a36-b04b-
> 1369e975c0eb
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e124fede-699d-4a36-b04b-1369e975c0eb with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,497 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e1afea9b-8ec3-437d-8c64-
> 4105ca716560
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e1afea9b-8ec3-437d-8c64-4105ca716560 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,498 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e23a792e-751c-46ed-90e4-
> c2dd6bb64be3
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e23a792e-751c-46ed-90e4-c2dd6bb64be3 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,499 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e2bf0bc2-b51b-4273-b040-
> 9dc00babfbf4
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e2bf0bc2-b51b-4273-b040-9dc00babfbf4 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,500 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e33d0aae-452c-4d5b-9da6-
> 1cfc21fc27c8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e33d0aae-452c-4d5b-9da6-1cfc21fc27c8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,502 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e3f63537-c071-4fee-ae66-
> ac925d38d0ce
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e3f63537-c071-4fee-ae66-ac925d38d0ce with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,503 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e4fb9e89-79e5-4362-a02d-
> f931ff66bdbb
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e4fb9e89-79e5-4362-a02d-f931ff66bdbb with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,505 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e5007577-ad70-4d71-9fa5-
> b7f7c3479458
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e5007577-ad70-4d71-9fa5-b7f7c3479458 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,506 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e5169688-5bde-4741-94ac-
> f5d2c1119524
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e5169688-5bde-4741-94ac-f5d2c1119524 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,508 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e599d22e-f810-4264-913e-
> 51443c58618b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e599d22e-f810-4264-913e-51443c58618b with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,510 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e727ca18-ffde-4cbc-b611-
> acfde06a94e9
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e727ca18-ffde-4cbc-b611-acfde06a94e9 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,512 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e7c63975-9827-4d28-a211-
> 0b1befea2e33
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e7c63975-9827-4d28-a211-0b1befea2e33 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,513 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e7d5adca-8dd3-4668-b25b-
> bb0311d859f2
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e7d5adca-8dd3-4668-b25b-bb0311d859f2 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,515 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e8029990-4119-44cd-8ab0-
> 87cab395cdb0
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e8029990-4119-44cd-8ab0-87cab395cdb0 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,517 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e835dae8-5c7b-41d4-b133-
> 91714f5a2367
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e835dae8-5c7b-41d4-b133-91714f5a2367 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,518 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e83850d6-b51e-417e-973c-
> 7083d75862d8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e83850d6-b51e-417e-973c-7083d75862d8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,520 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e8b40791-c5e7-4598-a33d-
> 99c42f867cef
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e8b40791-c5e7-4598-a33d-99c42f867cef with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,521 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e8f45638-ad2e-4179-8741-
> 06985e8d8441
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e8f45638-ad2e-4179-8741-06985e8d8441 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,523 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e961e4dc-8c97-4290-aac6-
> c0ba483c4066
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e961e4dc-8c97-4290-aac6-c0ba483c4066 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,525 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e9db036c-4931-4f8e-abb8-
> 416791008a25
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > e9db036c-4931-4f8e-abb8-416791008a25 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,526 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ead3da5e-093a-44b7-8845-
> 890d9e09db65
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ead3da5e-093a-44b7-8845-890d9e09db65 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,527 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ecbf8d10-925f-414c-8388-
> 6a7ec6f57a16
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ecbf8d10-925f-414c-8388-6a7ec6f57a16 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,529 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ecef6852-d013-4731-beea-
> 64cd8e66826d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ecef6852-d013-4731-beea-64cd8e66826d with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,530 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ed0e47c1-5d9d-40e6-bec7-
> 05bfe2c325a1
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ed0e47c1-5d9d-40e6-bec7-05bfe2c325a1 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,532 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ed833c63-8c2a-4a30-bc66-
> 7fd1efd70856
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ed833c63-8c2a-4a30-bc66-7fd1efd70856 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,534 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ed9f774f-358e-4363-8b8e-
> e3f39869634a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ed9f774f-358e-4363-8b8e-e3f39869634a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,535 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-efbc935b-c03e-4bde-aa35-
> 6ed3bae82639
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > efbc935b-c03e-4bde-aa35-6ed3bae82639 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,537 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f002e1c3-4522-4df0-be08-
> d1d3a1c13ced
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f002e1c3-4522-4df0-be08-d1d3a1c13ced with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,539 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f117e396-0eb9-4262-82d0-
> 4081cf8e0b1c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f117e396-0eb9-4262-82d0-4081cf8e0b1c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,541 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f172c407-4279-4b1a-961b-
> a2c56dc54e6e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f172c407-4279-4b1a-961b-a2c56dc54e6e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,542 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f1d240cb-9396-4cd4-8350-
> 27612c4b7533
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f1d240cb-9396-4cd4-8350-27612c4b7533 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,544 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f23cb26a-0550-4676-8600-
> 490ac225422c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f23cb26a-0550-4676-8600-490ac225422c with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,564 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f33aa6b9-0617-4155-b3dc-
> 46bd99fe469f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f33aa6b9-0617-4155-b3dc-46bd99fe469f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,565 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f3c0d65e-5d65-4672-bbca-
> eadf6c413091
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f3c0d65e-5d65-4672-bbca-eadf6c413091 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,567 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f49ad305-bd0c-4e4f-bbe8-
> be4a9a7ffaf0
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f49ad305-bd0c-4e4f-bbe8-be4a9a7ffaf0 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,568 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f69f6ccf-e897-49d2-9110-
> fb9e625ff4ca
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f69f6ccf-e897-49d2-9110-fb9e625ff4ca with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,569 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f6c88e0b-a9aa-434f-8d01-
> 7ebb4a7d754a
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f6c88e0b-a9aa-434f-8d01-7ebb4a7d754a with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,571 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f79388c0-9be8-491f-9c76-
> 03b91e1ef23f
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f79388c0-9be8-491f-9c76-03b91e1ef23f with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,572 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f7dbb2d0-c9c7-4801-9d65-
> 3df855004fe8
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f7dbb2d0-c9c7-4801-9d65-3df855004fe8 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,573 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-f9e61051-527c-4a91-b43a-
> 7760d5ff9892
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > f9e61051-527c-4a91-b43a-7760d5ff9892 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,574 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-fa4d786b-31c3-42f7-8b91-
> f7d41f260707
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > fa4d786b-31c3-42f7-8b91-f7d41f260707 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,576 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-fa4f3f24-5cdd-43e5-a6f4-
> 345e0df6b1fa
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > fa4f3f24-5cdd-43e5-a6f4-345e0df6b1fa with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,577 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-fad6828c-5200-4218-bdf7-
> 4c973abb3d10
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > fad6828c-5200-4218-bdf7-4c973abb3d10 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,578 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-fc03c240-cc08-4d49-bc91-
> 515aa729436e
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > fc03c240-cc08-4d49-bc91-515aa729436e with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,579 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-fc28a057-8608-433d-97bf-
> f4dd854851b5
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > fc28a057-8608-433d-97bf-f4dd854851b5 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,581 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-fd9b3134-2de2-4288-9023-
> d08224b0a300
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > fd9b3134-2de2-4288-9023-d08224b0a300 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,582 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-fe1bcd7a-2ba0-4d3b-acc6-
> 6c2cddfa55a4
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > fe1bcd7a-2ba0-4d3b-acc6-6c2cddfa55a4 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,583 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-fed52f2f-8465-40b8-9248-
> 9aa3e95ad813
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > fed52f2f-8465-40b8-9248-9aa3e95ad813 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,585 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:211]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ffcb055f-fd1c-457b-b97e-
> 31435e091480
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to job
> > > ffcb055f-fd1c-457b-b97e-31435e091480 with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,585 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-70ed15e9-55f5-4b10-8f73-
> 4a267c7f669d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_LOTS[20130101000000_20160101000000] of cube C_LOTS
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,585 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-d214f520-7674-4da8-8164-
> e7c9cab52263
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_LOTS[20160101000000_20170101000000] of cube C_LOTS
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,585 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-566bdd69-73b3-4354-8e8b-
> 1e175dbe5a5b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_LOTS[20170101000000_20170701000000] of cube C_LOTS
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,585 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-ad43b97a-e13b-48d7-a1b7-
> ff1226d2ab1d
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_SCENIC_CATEGORY[20130101000000_20160101000000] of cube
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,586 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-03e17baf-3036-4e54-912f-
> 9038647815b9
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_SCENIC_CATEGORY[20160101000000_20170101000000] of cube
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,586 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-dec2eb8f-e117-493c-b1a5-
> d3434e4c8288
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_SCENIC_CATEGORY[20170101000000_20170701000000] of cube
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,586 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e599d22e-f810-4264-913e-
> 51443c58618b
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_SCENIC_NEW[20130101000000_20160101000000] of cube C_SCENIC_NEW
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,586 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-6c888d37-b383-47e9-93fc-
> 39924c267448
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_SCENIC_NEW[20160101000000_20170101000000] of cube C_SCENIC_NEW
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,586 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-e1afea9b-8ec3-437d-8c64-
> 4105ca716560
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_SCENIC_NEW[20170101000000_20170701000000] of cube C_SCENIC_NEW
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,586 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-5a2d0e59-bad0-4066-82e8-
> a8279ecd6e1c
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_TOURIST_PROFILE_TD[20130101000000_20160101000000] of cube
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,586 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-4bed5a1b-34bf-4d18-b5af-
> e5169cd632e6
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_TOURIST_PROFILE_TD[20160101000000_20170101000000] of cube
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,587 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:222]: Skip
> > > hdfs:///kylin/kylin_metadata/kylin-263acf42-a7ef-4947-9515-
> 474d2fdf2698
> > > from deletion list, as the path belongs to segment
> > > C_TOURIST_PROFILE_TD[20170101000000_20170701000000] of cube
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,598 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_KFEVC5BMFM from drop list, as the table belongs to cube C_LOTS
> with
> > > status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,598 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_7WZ2ZEXQHZ from drop list, as the table belongs to cube C_LOTS
> with
> > > status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,598 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_6ZBZP8QSUT from drop list, as the table belongs to cube C_LOTS
> with
> > > status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,598 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_DUCFK796GQ from drop list, as the table belongs to cube
> > > C_SCENIC_CATEGORY with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,598 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_5TEPA3AAQT from drop list, as the table belongs to cube
> > > C_SCENIC_CATEGORY with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,599 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_E7RLYN0JF1 from drop list, as the table belongs to cube
> > > C_SCENIC_CATEGORY with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,599 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_Q9U0UYDZBE from drop list, as the table belongs to cube
> > > with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,599 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_G4KM2TFJ2M from drop list, as the table belongs to cube
> > > with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,599 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_4EJ7RB8V08 from drop list, as the table belongs to cube
> > > with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,599 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_7245QZYJ9H from drop list, as the table belongs to cube
> > > C_TOURIST_PROFILE_TD with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,599 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_1Z7HU02VOV from drop list, as the table belongs to cube
> > > C_TOURIST_PROFILE_TD with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,599 INFO  [main StorageCleanupJob:102]: Exclude
> table
> > > KYLIN_MHADLCJRSJ from drop list, as the table belongs to cube
> > > C_TOURIST_PROFILE_TD with status READY
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,601 INFO  [Thread-0 ConnectionManager$
> > HConnectionImplementation:2259]:
> > > Closing master protocol: MasterService
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,614 INFO  [Thread-0 ConnectionManager$
> > HConnectionImplementation:1830]:
> > > Closing zookeeper sessionid=0x25c99b796a06708
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,626 INFO  [Thread-0 ZooKeeper:684]: Session:
> > > 0x25c99b796a06708 closed
> > > 2017-06-21 19:35:01,626 INFO  [main-EventThread ClientCnxn:512]:
> > > EventThread shut down
> > >
> > > -----邮件原件-----
> > > 发件人: ShaoFeng Shi [mailto:shaofeng...@apache.org]
> > > 发送时间: 2017年6月21日 19:29
> > > 收件人: dev <dev@kylin.apache.org>
> > > 主题: Re: Can't cleanup expired data
> > >
> > > Hi Jianhui,
> > >
> > > It is NOT safe to delete those folders manually. The HDFS folder not
> only
> > > has Cuboid files for further merge, but also may have other files. So
> > > please don't delete them unless you know the impact.
> > >
> > > You mentioned that running StorageCleanupJob doesn't get cleaned up;
> Did
> > > you check the logs of this? It will print out the detail info about
> each
> > > folder if it couldn't be deleted. If you can provide the log, we can
> > > investigate that.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 2017-06-21 11:49 GMT+08:00 jianhui.yi <jianhui...@zhiyoubao.com>:
> > >
> > > > Hi all,
> > > >
> > > > Since the upgrade to v2.0 I noticed that the HDFS usage had increased
> > > > every time we rebuild the cube and the space is not cleared up.
> > > >
> > > > This is although we run both the StorageCleanupJob and metastore
> clean
> > > > command.
> > > >
> > > > When looking into HDFS to see where the increase is I see that the
> > > > accumulated data is at: /kylin/kylin_metadata/
> > > >
> > > > Is it safe to delete these folders manually and how to cleanup with
> > > kylin?
> > > >
> > > > Thanks.
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Best regards,
> > >
> > > Shaofeng Shi 史少锋
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> --
> Best regards,
> Shaofeng Shi 史少锋

Best regards,

Shaofeng Shi 史少锋

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