this is a kylin jdbc pool for querying kylin server using spring boot. the
project link is: kylin-jdbc-pool
it provide a  pool for kylin jdbc, and a simple ORM framework that when
results returned it auto map results to models defined in your project. it
also support gson SerializedName annotation to customize the property names
of model class.
here is the usage:
1、first configure settings:
kylin:  project1:    userName: admin    password: KYLIN    decrypt: true   
connectionUrl: jdbc:kylin://host:7070/project1    poolSize: 10   
maxWaitTime: 10000 #ms  project2:    userName: admin    password: KYLIN   
decrypt: true    poolSize: 10    connectionUrl:
jdbc:kylin://host:7070/project2    maxWaitTime: 10000 #ms
2、then try your business
RunWith(SpringRunner.class)@SpringBootTestpublic class
KylinJdbcPoolApplicationTests {  @Resource(name = "project1JdbcTemplate") 
JdbcTemplate project1JdbcTemplate;  @Resource(name = "project2JdbcTemplate") 
JdbcTemplate project2JdbcTemplate;  @Test  public void test() {    int
countResult = project1JdbcTemplate        .queryForObject("select count(*)
from SCHEMA.table",            (resultSet, i) -> {              return
resultSet.getInt(1);            });    System.out.println("testResult: " +
countResult);  }  @Test  public void testRowMapper() {    List demoList =
project1JdbcTemplate        .query("select * from from SCHEMA.table limit
10",            KylinRowMapper.getDefault(                Demo.class));   
System.out.println(JSON.toJSONString(demoList));  }}

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