
For parquet storage, I recently completed the development of removing dict from 
the query side, and the query performance has been inproved a lot. But there is 
still a lot of work to do, like removing query single-point issue, upgrading 
parquet to 1.11 for page index and etc. So I think release it in Kylin 3.0 is a 
great choice.
Best Regards,
Chao Long

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "ShaoFeng Shi"<shaofeng...@apache.org>;
????????: 2019??1??23??(??????) ????3:56
??????: "dev"<dev@kylin.apache.org>;

????: [Discuss] Moving toward Apache Kylin 3.0

Hi Kylin developers,

In last week, Kylin released v2.6.0, with the enhanced & distributed query
cache and JDBC data source SDK. After this release, the next batch
candidate features include real-time streaming, parquet storage, and druid
storage. These features were developed in the past 1-2 years by different
Kylin players and were open sourced in the past 6 months. They have already
been staged in separate branches and are under evaluation by the community.
We have received much feedback from the community.

These candidate features are big supplements to as-is Kylin functions; For
example, the real-time streaming feature will bring Kylin from batch &
historical analytics into real-time analytics. The parquet storage will
make the deployment more flexible and more cloud-friendly. Of course,
stabilizing and improving these features need additional time and effort.

So, when we merging and releasing them, we'd better give it a new version
number so that user can clearly know the difference with current 2.x
versions. I discussed this with several developers offline, we think it is
time to move toward Kylin 3.0. So, if one of the above features is merged,
the version will be 3.0. The current 2.6 will be maintained until 3.x is
ready for production use.

Your comments, ideas, and suggestions are welcomed!

Best regards,

Shaofeng Shi ??????
Apache Kylin PMC
Work email: shaofeng....@kyligence.io
Kyligence Inc: https://kyligence.io/

Apache Kylin FAQ: https://kylin.apache.org/docs/gettingstarted/faq.html
Join Kylin user mail group: user-subscr...@kylin.apache.org
Join Kylin dev mail group: dev-subscr...@kylin.apache.org

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