And this link( that
Shaofeng previous shared is also very helpful, see this chapter: "The Order
of Dimensions"



Aron Tao

Xiaoxiang Yu <> 于2019年6月11日周二 上午2:45写道:

> Hi, wangfx
> Kylin converts sql query to two parameters(Start_key and end_key) in the
> range Scan operation in HBase.
> The well-designed Rowkey will more effectively complete the query
> filtering and positioning of the data, reduce the number of IO, improve the
> query speed, the order of the dimension in the Rowkey, and have a
> significant impact on the query performance.
> The following 2 principles need to be combined when adjusting the order of
> Rowkey: ·
> 1. Dimensions that are used as filter criteria in a query are placed in
> front of the non-filtered conditional dimension ·
> 2. Dimensions with a higher cardinality, before the lower cardinality
> dimension.
> So, in your situation, I suggest the order should be :a,b,c,d.(If you have
> only four dimensions).
> And this link may help,
> ----------------
> Best wishes,
> Xiaoxiang Yu
> 在 2019/6/11 09:56,“wangfx”<> 写入:
> cube若干个维度,其中a,b为强制维度,一定出现在where里,b的基数很低(只有3种数据);c,d不会出现在where里,只出现在select和group
> by里,基数c>d>a>b,剩下的维度是where里的常规维度,请问rowkey里abcd和其他的维度顺序怎么排?

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