  I am agree with such proposal. Kylin should support multi-level pushdown, 
query which can not match by cube should be pushdown to several engines in 
order, such as presto -> SparkSQL -> Hive, which is more reasonable and let 
query can be answer as far as possible. Maybe it is worthy to open a JIRA.

Best wishes to you ! 
From :Xiaoxiang Yu

在 2019-07-05 15:37:41,"nichunen" <n...@apache.org> 写道:
>Sounds useful and not difficult to develop.
>Best regards,
>Ni Chunen / George
>On 07/5/2019 15:20,codingfor...@126.com<codingfor...@126.com> wrote:
>Hi, all:
>Current (version 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT), kylin support only one kind of pushdown 
>query engine. In some user's scenario, need pushdown query to mysql, spark 
>sql,hive etc.
>I think kylin need support  multiple pushdowns. I want to discuss with you 
>whether it is need?
>Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks.

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