Looking forward to it, I believe it will bring a great performance improvement.

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Best wishes !

On 01/19/2020 22:22,George Ni<n...@apache.org> wrote:
Hi Kylin users & developers,

By-layer Spark Cubing has been introduced into Apache Kylin since v2.0 to
achieve better performance and it does run much faster compared to MR
engine. Also Hbase has been Kylin’s trustful storage engine since Kylin was
born and it has been proved to be a success for providing the ability to
handle high concurrency queries in extremely large data scale with low
latency. But there are also limitations for HBase, such as filtering is not
flexible as we could only filter by RowKey, measures are usually combined
together which causes more data to be scanned than requested.

So in order to optimize Kylin in both building strategy and storage engine,
development team of Kyligence is introducing a new cube building engine
which uses Spark Sql to construct cuboids with a new strategy and stores
cube results in Parquet files. The building strategy allows Kylin to build
cuboids in a smarter way by choosing and building on the optimal cuboid
source. And Parquet, a columnar storage format available to any project in
the Hadoop ecosystem, will power the filtering ability with the page-level
column index and reduce I/O by saving measures in different columns. Also
with Storing cuboid in Parquet instead of Hbase, we can utilize Kylin in
Cloud Native way. More information on design and technique details will
come soon.

Below is the comparison in building duration and size of results between
By-layer Spark Cubing and the new cubing strategy.


4-nodes Hadoop cluster

YRAN has 400GB RAM and 128 cores in total;

CDH 5.1, Apache Kylin 3.0.


Spark 2.4.1-kylin-r17

Test Data

SSB data

Cube: 15 dimensions, 3 measures (SUM)

Test Scenarios

Build the cube at different source size level: 30 million, 60 million
source rows; Compare the build time with Spark (by layer) + Hbase and
SparkSql + Parquet.

Besides, we attempt to resolve many drawbacks in current query engine,
which relies heavily on Apache Calcite, such as the performance bottleneck
in aggregating large query results which currently can only be operated by
a single worker. By embracing SparkSql, this kind of expensive computing
can be done distributedly. Also combined with Parquet format, plenty of
filtering optimizations could be applied,which will boost Kylin’s query
performance significantly. The features will be open source along with
technique details in the near future.

- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KYLIN-4188



Best regards,

Ni Chunen / George

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