    We are preparing an article about improving performance for 
building/querying on kylin4, which will list some properties about performance 
and descript how to configure these properties to improve building/querying 
    We will publish this article on apache kylin wiki ASAP. 

Best regards,
Zhichao Zhang


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????????:&nbsp;2020??9??12??(??????) ????4:31

????:&nbsp;Kylin and parquet question

Hi all,
as I read here 
the new storage engine will be parquet and the queries will go through
apache spark jobs. I'm not so familiar with apache spark but I think
that it's not easy to tune it to support a lot of concurrent queries.
What would be the guideline for configuring kylin + parquet to support
for example 100 concurrent queries per second? What kind of deployment
(machine types) and configurations will work in that case?

Greetings, Ivan Georgiev

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