Maybe it is because my kylin can not connect to hive?But in my group,kylin is a 
single program and hive is part from 5 hadoop machines which contains the one 
runs that kylin.

------------------ ???????? ------------------
????????:&nbsp;2021??2??26??(??????) ????5:05

????:&nbsp;Re: Question about normal cube merge streaming cube

There is no Chinese version of this document at present. 
You should only be able to read the English version in a short time. hahaha

&gt; ?? 2021??2??26????09:53??344955119 <; ??????
&gt; Got that,I'll try it later.
&gt; By theway,I user to always browser the document in chinese at kylin's 
office site which didn't write about the section you just told.
&gt; Maybe chinese part will not upgrade anymone?HaHaHa.
&gt; Thanks for suggesting!
&gt; ------------------&amp;nbsp;????????&amp;nbsp;------------------
 &nbsp; &nbsp; 
 &nbsp; &nbsp; <;gt;;
&gt; ????????:&amp;nbsp;2021??2??25??(??????) ????10:29
&gt; ??????:&amp;nbsp;"dev"<;gt;;
&gt; ????:&amp;nbsp;Re: Question about normal cube merge streaming cube
&gt; Hi??
&gt; Maybe you can try lambda mode in kylin real-time, which supports adding 
history table and real-time data source in a model. 
&gt; Reference 
&gt; &amp;gt; ?? 2021??2??23????16:52??344955119 <;gt; 
&gt; &amp;gt; 
&gt; &amp;gt; Hi,
&gt; &amp;gt; 
&gt; &amp;gt; 
&gt; &amp;gt; My group is looking for a way to concat a streaming cube 
(realtime data) with a normal cube (history data).May be it's about the 
button&amp;amp;nbsp;"merge"&amp;amp;nbsp;in visable interface ,but I found it 
cann't work as "merge" only supports cubes in the same model and they need to 
be from the same source like table "table" basicly.
&gt; &amp;gt; In the other side, someone suggect to use&amp;amp;nbsp;system 
with&amp;amp;nbsp;flink&amp;amp;nbsp;to make it complie.
&gt; &amp;gt; So may you give me a suggest,whether there is a way to solve this 
problem in kylin or I should turn to system with&amp;amp;nbsp;flink?
&gt; &amp;gt; &amp;amp;nbsp;
&gt; &amp;gt; Thanks,
&gt; &amp;gt; William

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