Greetings, Developers!

I'm seeking assistance to achieve my objective, which involves setting up a 
Kylin 4.0 container and configuring it to use a pre-configured MySQL data 
hosting server as an ODBC data source. Currently, I've pulled the required 
Docker image using the following command: docker pull 

Additionally, I have initiated the container using the following command:

docker run -d \

-m 8G \

-p 7070:7070 \

-p 7080:7080 \

-p 8088:8088 \

-p 50070:50070 \

-p 8032:8032 \

-p 8042:8042 \

-p 2181:2181 \


Now, I require guidance on completing the setup for Kylin 4.0 container and 
configuring it to utilize the pre-configured MySQL data hosting server as the 
ODBC data source. Your assistance in this matter will be greatly appreciated!

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