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I dumped the whole source tree and fetched a new one from CVS. Now I
appear to be able to compile past this point, so perhaps there was
something wrong with the downloaded sources - I know I had great
difficulty retrieving them initially with frequent time-outs on the
server. :-(

My major problem now seems to be with the mozilla components. I'm using
gcc 3.3.5 on a Gentoo linux box and there seem to be issues using the
mozilla that comes with OOo with a 3.3.x series compiler, and if I
disable it I get stuck on the xmlsecurity module. :-(

In particular I get the following error:
Checking DLL ../unxlngi4.pro/lib/check_libxsec_xmlsec.so ...: ERROR:
.../src_m71/solver/680/unxlngi4.pro/lib/libxmlsec.so: undefined symbol:
dmake:  Error code 1, while making '../unxlngi4.pro/lib/libxsec_xmlsec.so'

I've invoked the build with the following switches:
- --with-system-curl (breaks in curl if I don't)
- --with-cups
- --disable-mozilla (breaks in libmozab2 if I enable mozilla)

I've been searching the issues and mailing lists but to no avail so far. :-(


Ivo Hinkelmann wrote:
| Hi ,
| I never seen such a crash, transex3 should not be greedy. Can you please
| give a few more information. .
| What CVS Module \ Directory \ File . Do you have a build log ?
| What kind of 2 GB file is left in temp, does it contain something
| suspicious?
| What version of flex / gcc / linux distribution do you use?
| Cheers,
| Ivo
| dwb wrote:
| Dear all,
| I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but since it is
| with transex3 ... :-)
| I am trying to build OOo SRC680-m69 on my linux machine and after
| ironing out a few problems along the way I've reached the point at which
| it now crashes in transex3.
| It exits with an error message saying "Maximum file size exceeded" and
| leaves a 2GB file in my /tmp directory.
| Where does the 2GB limit come from? I can happily create files greater
| than this on the /tmp drive. It is a reiserfs partition. Why also should
| it want to create such a huge file?
| Any ideas for a work around?
| Many thanks
| David.
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