On Friday 22 April 2005 10:06, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> Hristo Simeonov Hristov wrote:
> > On Wednesday 20 April 2005 15:29, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> >>Hristo Simenov Hristov wrote:
> >>>On Wednesday 20 April 2005 10:27, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
> >>>>Hristo Simeonov Hristov wrote:
> >>>>>On Tuesday 19 April 2005 20:19, Eike Rathke wrote:
> >>>>>>Hi Hristo,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>On Tue, Apr 19, 2005 at 10:28:52 +0300, Hristo Simenov Hristov wrote:
> >>>>>>>I think that when I choose my encoding in the dialog, it does not
> >>>>>>>call the method for converting my encoding but calls some default
> >>>>>>>method.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Where (in which module, which dialog) did you try it?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>In Writer I'm opening Text encoded file.
> >>>>>I tried with replacing of aImplIBM866ToUniTab with values of
> >>>>>aImplMIKToUniTab And when I opened TE file it appears correctly, so
> >>>>> this array is correct. The problem is how to figure it out which
> >>>>>aImplXXXXToUniTab using when I open such file with selected MIK
> >>>>> encoding (I added in the combobox needed string to be chosen this MIK
> >>>>> encoding)
> >>>>
> >>>>Not sure how the status is today, but there used to be trouble with the
> >>>>association of text labels and RTF_TEXTENCODING_ values in those src
> >>>>files, esp. if you are running a translated (not en-US?) version of
> >>>> OOo. One way to debug this might be to check what calls to
> >>>>Impl_getTextEncodingData (textenc.cxx) are actually made.
> >>>
> >>>How can I print text in the console?
> >>>With printf?
> >>
> >>Try it out.  ;)
> >>Yes, printf should work on Unix, at least.
> >
> > Hm, it doesn't work.
> > error: `printf' undeclared
> > I put this printf("%d",nEncoding); before the return.
> > Am I wrong?
> #include <stdio.h>
> is your friend  :)
Ups, I have forgot this :)
My mistake. I didn't use C++ since my school days :)
I'll tried this evening.

Hristo Simeonov Hristov
Leader of OpenOffice.org - Bulgaria

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