Dear Pootle users,

This is a reminder..
Please make sure all your work are uploaded to Pootle by 20th Dec.
I'm going to start to work export all the contents in Pootle on 21th Dec. and Pootle will be unavailable during the the work.


Aijin Kim 쓴 글:
Dear Pootle users,

Now, the contents for the 2nd hand-off are available in Pootle.

The languages which are upload to Pootle are:
Catalan : UI + Help
Spanish: UI + Help
Italian: UI + Help
Kurdish: UI + Help
Occitan-lengadocian: UI + Help
Swedish: UI + Help (still on progress)
Russian: UI

Swedish community,
I'll update you when the uploading work is done.

The dead line for the 2nd hand-off is December 20th. Please make sure to assign your work to meet the schedule. If you have any question during working on Pootle, please don't hesitate to let me know.


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