Thanks for your prompt reply, Gregor. :)

On 04/07/2008, at 5:25 PM, Gregor Hartmann wrote:

if there is any way to tell which links are localized and which are not I can add it to gsicheck.

could I assume e.g. that all localiteable links start with http:
or all not localizeable links refer to xhp fules (end with .xhp)?

please let me know. But be aware that this rule must be correct for ALL links, no exception allowed.

Gregor, would it work to tell gsicheck to accept two-letter sub- domains:
(and ignore any other changes in the link if it has a 2-letter sub- domain added)?
Then that would work for both websites and mailing-lists. Wiki pages are a bit more difficult.
I think that's the recommended format. Is that correct?

also an Idea but what about 'external' links which can be entirely different.


Set a "localize" tag we could add to any localized link, so gsicheck recognizes it (messier, means an XML tag which Help can ignore).

So if I understand you correctly the tag should not be added to the sourcelanguage and mark the link as localizable but in the translation to mark the individual link as localized. I hope enough translation tools support something like that.

I would *love* this way as it is the only one which does not involve some heuristics which can easily fail. But it will require changing the DTD.

And why should there not be tags in that file for localization as well. In other xml files in the Office there are also tags used for translation purposes. (well not in this way but to switch localization off for certain strings)

I'm completely open to other suggestions: I really have no idea what would work best for gsicheck and the Help, only what sort of data we need to unfilter.

I'd like this filter or tag to be something not dependent on the original string, if possible, because sometimes we can add localized references to the translation to help explain the meaning of the original string. For example, I would like to be able to add Wikipedia Vietnamese links to some more technical strings (e.g. for "regex" or "API").

While a reasonable proportion of the English-speaking users will have experience with computers, nearly all Vietnamese-speakers are completely new to computing. This makes the information much harder for them to understand. Links to localized references like Wikipedia- Vi, and Wiktionary-vi for acronyms and some technical terms, would avoid the user giving up and thinking "This is just way over my head."

from Clytie

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

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