
I've got a few questions about TCM tests, and I hope someone can answer
them... :)

The first question is about testcase #110041. Expected result for its
Step 3 is "Localized help appears.". Now, knowing that OOo help is
mostly not localized for Lithuanian, should we still translate that
question as is, even though we are sure that the help is not localized,
and this is not really a bug? Or does "Localized help" mean that at
least Help window widgets should be localized?

I'm asking the other question because one of my testers marked testcase
#110036 as fail, however, I guess it's also important for many other
testcases. Step 2 for that testcase is "Check all menus and all
submenus" with an expected result of "The menus and submenus are
localized.". Now, that tester failed the test because one of the
submenus of the Start Center window invokes a toolbar customization
dialog in which toolbar button descriptions aren't localized. So, the
question is – does this mean the submenu is not localized, or not? BTW,
Lithuanian OOo localizer says that these descriptions are actually being
taken from the help files.

And the last question is – if the testcases mentioned above are indeed
doomed to fail, would that hold the release of Lithuanian OOo back?


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