Hi Eike,

There is only one published breakiterator for application to call, it is implemented in breakiteratorImp.cxx, in which only mentioned 4 breaktierators call getLocaleSpecificBreakIterator to get language specific breakiterator.

Logically ScriptType breakiterator could not be language specific. Writer call it to get script type, and based on the type to determine the language for the text. You can see there is no language parameter for ScriptType API.


On 2008?11?05? 10:12, Eike Rathke wrote:
Hi Karl,

On Wednesday, 2008-11-05 09:09:31 -0800, Karl Hong wrote:

ScriptType breakiterator is not controlled by language, but Unicode script type definition. It does not like character/word/sentence/line breakiterators, which can be customized by language, only one script type breakiterator for all languages.

You see me puzzled. So far I assumed that it would be possible to create
an adapted service implementation for any language. At least that's what
I deduced from the existence of BreakIterator_th and the implementation
of BreakIteratorImpl::getLocaleSpecificBreakIterator(), is that not the
case? What am I missing here?


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